- __ and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
- Buddhist sect
- Eastern sect
- Kind of Buddhism
- Mahayana Buddhism
- Mahayana movement
- Kind of Buddhist
- Chill, as it were
- Discipline that teaches "beginner's mind"
- Buddhist practice associated with a type of garden
- Practice at some meditation centers
- Eastern philosophy
- Buddhist state
- Buddhist way
- Meditation discipline
- Meditation principle
- Satori practice
- Spiritual path
- Totally chill about everything
- Totally chill approach
- ___ Master (NBA coach Phil Jackson's nickname)
- ___ state
- Peaceful feeling
- Religion that champions gardening
- Totally chill
- Four Ways of Knowing practice
- Eastern philosophical topic
- Master's practice
- Meditation practice
- Cool as a cucumber, religiously
- Peaceful and calm
- Buddhist meditation
- Contemplative practice
- Insight by meditation
- School of Buddhism
- The Daily Show's "moment of __"
- Path to enlightenment
- Meditative sect
- And now, your moment of __
- Branch of Buddhism
- Rinzai school's teachings
- ___ in the Art of Archery (1953 book)
- Start of a Robert Pirsig title
- Meditative discipline
- Perpetually unworried
- Subject of a Dharma talk
- Buddhist discipline
- ___ and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
- Chinese discipline
- Bodhidharma's philosophy
- ___ Buddhism
- Bodhidharma's movement
- Buddhism branch
- Meditative practice
- Movement with mondos
- Religion touted in Kerouac novels
- Type of Buddhism
- Moment of ___ ("The Daily Show" feature)
- Buddhism school
- Meditation system
- Meditative faith
- Buddhism faction
- Meditative movement
- Introspective sect
- Means to self-awareness
- Literally, "meditation"
- Meditative Buddhist sect
- Your Moment of ___ ("The Daily Show" feature)
- Form of Buddhism
- Mahayana movement with mondos
- Satori-seeking discipline
- ___ garden
- Shikantaza ("silent illumination") is associated with its Soto school
- Kind of master
- Satori-seeking sect
- Eastern discipline
- Means to enlightenment
- Jon Stewart's "moment of __"
- Movement traced to an ancient flower sermon
- Self-realization sect
- __ garden
- __ master
- Buddhism sect
- __ and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: '70s best-seller
- __ in the Art of Writing: Ray Bradbury collection
- Buddhist branch
- Your Moment of __: Jon Stewart's show ender
- Peaceful and relaxed
- Type of garden
- Peaceful
- Buddhist school
- Your Moment of __: "The Daily Show" bit
- State of calm attentiveness
- Extremely chill
- Garden type
- Super chill, informally
- Meditation method
- Garden variety?
- Method of meditation
- School of meditation
- Self-contemplative doctrine
- Asian discipline
- Enlightenment movement
- Way to enlightenment
- School of experiential wisdom
- Path of enlightenment discipline
- Meditative school
- Introspective movement
- Word from the Mandarin for "absorption"
- Word from the Sanskrit for "absorption"
- School influenced by Taoism
- School that teaches chanting
- Buddhist meditative school
- School teaching self-restraint
- Koan teaching
- Chanting school
- First word in the title of a Robert M. Pirsig book
- Master's discipline, perhaps
- Movement called Ch'an in Chinese
- Movement in which mondos are asked
- Mahayana Buddhism sect
- Means of enlightenment
- Movement whose members seek satori
- Roshi's movement
- Certain Buddhist teachings
- Japanese sect of Buddhism
- Koan-posing sect
- ___ Buddhist
- Some masters' mastery
- Koan poser's sect
- Buddhist sect in Japan.
- Japanese cult.
- Sect in Japan.
- Japanese sect
- Cult of Orient
- Oriental sect
- Buddhist cult
- Oriental cult
- Introspective group
- Japanese school of meditation
- Japanese Buddhist sect
- Self-enlightenment
- Pursuit of satori
- ____ Buddhism
- ____ Buddhist
- State to be in
- Meditative thought
- Some meditation
- Wonderful state
- Discipline that uses koans
- Form of shiatsu
- ___ state (pleasant place to be)
- Kind of state
- ___ state (blissful self-awareness)
- Discipline symbolized by a painted circle
- Kind of state in the East
- Path of enlightenment
- Road to enlightenment, for some
- Eastern state?
- Source of enlightenment
- Kind of garden
- Kind of state that's peaceful
- Japanese path of enlightenment
- Tranquil and minimalistic
- Meditative kind of state
- Discipline of some masters
- State of Japan
- Totally relaxed, so to speak
- Unflappable state of mind
- Peaceful, informally
- Meditation subject
- Chill, so to speak
- Mindfulness-based practice
- Serene, informally
- Calm, so to speak
- Like some gardens
- Like some rock gardens
- _____ Buddhism
- Moment of ___
- -- Buddhism
- Road to enlightenment
- Bush: "Everything ___"
- Robert Plant: "Now and ___"
- Everything ___, I don't think so Bush
- Practice of observing and letting go
- It involves studying paradoxes
- It examines koans
- Vietnamese viewpoint, frequently
- It focuses on paradoxes
- Practice with walking meditations
- _____ and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
- Buddhist denomination
- Word before "garden" or "meditation"
- Buddhism doctrine
- Variety of Buddhism
- Type of garden with rocks
- Buddhism variety
- Buddhist doctrine
- Sandy garden type
- Word with "garden" or "master"
- Buddhism sect that originated in China
- Garden state?
- Meditative sect of Buddhism
- ___ garden (spot to meditate)
- Word with "garden" or "Buddhism"
- Unstructured Buddhism
- A way to enlightenment
- Meditative school of Buddhism
- Enlightenment-seeking sect
- ___ garden (place to meditate)
- Buddhist discipline known as Chan in Chinese
- Discipline sometimes practiced on a zafu
- Word before "garden" or "Buddhism"
- Super chill
- Meditative worship
- Meditative religion
- Meditator's school
- Meditating school
- Enlightenment-seeking discipline
- Enlightenment-seeking school
- Self-contemplative practice
- Satori school
- School with paradoxes
- Your Moment of ___, and a hint to what's added to the starred answers
- Extremely chill, informally
- Extremely relaxed
- Enlightened state
- Satori-seeking school