- The Clintons, once
- Lupita Nyong'o and Angela Bassett, collegiately
- Alito and Sotomayor, e.g.
- Harvarders' foes
- Connecticut collegians
- Some Ivy Leaguers
- Bill and Hillary, e.g.
- Ivy Leaguers
- All presidents since Reagan
- Soldier Nathan Hale and others
- Some New Haven students
- Presidents Bush and Clinton, at one time
- Bill and Hillary, at one time
- The Clintons, in law school
- Crimson rivals
- Clinton and Bush, at one time
- Bill and Hillary, notably
- Attendees of Connecticut's Battell Chapel
- New Haven Ivy Leaguers
- Elis
- The Clintons, notably
- New Haven alumni
- Ivy Leaguers, casually
- Whiffenpoofs, e.g.
- Ivy Noodle customers
- New Haven collegians
- New Haven students
- Buckley, Bush et al.
- Cantabs' rivals
- Bush and Clinton, once
- Certain New Haven collegians
- Bill and Hillary, once
- Clinton and Bush, once
- Bill and Hillary, when they met
- Bulldog backers
- Lupita Nyong'o and Meryl Streep, for two