- Grieve
- Have a bawl?
- Shed tears
- React to a chick flick, maybe
- Respond to the end of "Titanic," I suppose
- Turn on the waterworks
- Cry openly
- Blubber
- Read 'em partner
- Tear up
- Mourn aloud
- Lose it
- Make one's mascara run, maybe
- Turn on the faucets
- Emulate Niobe
- Get teary
- Show sorrow
- What some undercooked meringues do
- Express joy, perhaps
- Read 'em and ___!
- Express sorrow
- Mourn tearfully
- Open up the tear ducts
- What to do after you "read 'em"
- Cry
- Respond after readin' 'em
- Let the tears come
- Sob
- Have a good cry
- Bawl
- Break down
- Turn on the faucets, so to speak
- React to a great poker hand?
- Cry bitter tears
- Show grief
- a time to ___, and a time to laugh
- More than just tear up
- Shed a tear, and then some
- More than tear up
- Cry one's eyes out
- Willow __ for Me: jazz standard
- Fail to hold it together
- Let the tears flow
- Read 'em and __!
- Mourn, maybe
- Lament
- Have a cry
- React to onion peeling
- Opposite of "rejoice"
- Show sadness
- Show sorrow or joy
- Start to cry
- Shed a tear
- Let loose, lachrymosely
- Display sadness
- Display despair, maybe
- Whimper
- 'I ___ for you,' the Walrus said.
- Become lachrymose.
- Be tearful.
- Bewail.
- ___ no more my lady . . .
- Wail's companion.
- Mourn.
- Mourn (for).
- Wax lachrymose.
- Lapwing.
- Drip
- Emulate a willow
- Exude slowly
- Exude water
- Exude
- ___ no more, my . . .
- ___ no more . . .
- . . . and women must ___: Kingsley
- Ann Ronell's command to a willow
- Boo-hoo
- Act like a willow?
- Partner of read 'em
- Display dolor
- Grieve (for)
- What a card reader may do?
- Mourn audibly
- Get blubbery
- Break down, in a way
- Grieve openly
- Exhibit some grief
- Mourn openly
- Spill tears
- Openly lament
- Tear a lot
- Go "Boo-hoo!"
- React to a tearjerker
- Cry a river
- What to do after reading 'em?
- Shed some serious tears
- Burst into tears
- What some willows do
- Read 'em and _____!
- Show joy or sorrow, in a way
- What you may do after you "read 'em"
- Show great joy or sorrow
- Shed a few tears
- Display one's grief
- Go past tearing up
- React to a gut-wrenching movie, maybe
- Exude moisture
- Mourn, in a way
- Show joy or sorrow
- Do more than tear up
- Show sorrow, perhaps
- Show grief, perhaps
- Show joy, perhaps