- Biting insects
- Late summer stingers
- Fairyflies, e.g.
- Insects with stingers
- Stereotypical moneyed folk
- Stingers in a nest
- Mud daubers
- Nesting nasties
- Nasty stingers
- Nasty nesters
- Useful pest-control agents for cannabis growers
- Flyers with narrow waists
- Stinging insects
- Winged stingers
- Fairyflies and yellowjackets
- Nasty insects
- Nest-building buzzers
- The females sting
- Slender singers
- Some stingers
- Slender stingers
- Stinging fliers
- Mud daubers, e.g.
- Mud nest builders
- Cicada predators
- Scary nestful
- Aristophanes satire, with "The"
- Small flying predators
- Makers of wood pulp nests
- Hornets and yellow jackets
- Hornets, e.g.
- Aggressive stingers
- Yellowjackets, e.g.
- Paper-nest builders
- Narrow-waisted insects
- Stingers
- Little stingers
- Hornet relatives
- Small stingers
- Bee's cousins
- Aristophanes title characters
- Winged nesters
- Winged workers
- Slender stinging insects
- Insects that sting
- Dangerous nesters
- Petulant people
- Sugar-craving frequent fliers
- They may nest in 45 Across
- Aristophanes comedy, with "The"
- Fliers with nests
- Satirical comedy of 422 B.C., with "The"
- Narrow-waisted stingers
- Velvet ants, e.g.
- U. S. airplane engines.
- Winged insects.
- Members of the Fifinella Clubs.
- Relatives of ants and bees.
- Play by Aristophanes (with "The").
- Stinger.
- Hymenopterous insects.
- Nest dwellers.
- Insects.
- Snappish people
- Irritable ones
- Aristophanes' "The ___"
- The ___, play by Aristophanes
- Group in Gurney's plays
- Flying stingers
- Ethnic group portrayed in A. R. Gurney's plays
- W.W. II female fliers
- Aristophanes play, with "The"
- Fliers with narrow waists
- Hornets' cousins
- Nasties in nests
- Big stingers
- Dangerous nestful
- With 52-Down, structure found under eaves
- With 64-Across, sight under the eaves, at times
- Some nest builders
- Insects with big stingers
- Flying female fighters in W.W. II
- Upper-crust sorts, stereotypically
- Eastern cicada killers, e.g.
- Buzzing nest-builders
- Builders of paper nests
- Stingers that build nests
- Insects in colonies
- Certain stingers
- Garden stingers
- They have narrow waists
- Narrow-waisted fliers
- Insects in nests
- They can sting more than once
- Yellow jackets
- Participants in sting operations?
- Drones, e.g.
- Fig pollinators
- Workers with wings
- Flying workers
- Narrow-waisted flyers
- Residents of paper nests
- Tarantula hawks, e.g.