- Part of a Latin trio
- One third of a Latin trio
- End of a famous boast
- Veni, vidi, __
- Final word in Caesar's boast
- End of Caesar's boast
- Veni, vidi, ___
- End of Caesar's claim
- Part of Caesar's boast
- End of a boast
- End of an ancient battle report
- One of a Latin trio
- End of an old boast
- One of a Caesarean trio
- Caesarean section?
- Last of a Latin trio
- End of a Caesar quote
- End of a quotable boast
- End of a Latin boast
- End of Julius' boast
- Caesar's "I conquered."
- Third word of a B. C. message.
- End of a laconic saying.
- Word from Caesar's triumphal statement.
- Ditto 30 Down.
- Part of Caesar's message.
- Word from Caesar, 47 B.C.
- Third of a Latin trio.
- Part of Caesar's battle report.
- Conquered: Lat.
- One of Caesar's trio.
- No. 3 of a trio
- Word in Caesar's message
- One of a trio by Caesar
- I conquered, to Caesar
- Last of a Caesarean trio
- End of a Caesarean boast
- End of a famous claim
- Part of a boast
- 'Veni, vidi, --'
- Veni, vidi, _____
- I conquered: L.
- Last part of Caesar's declaration
- Caesar conclusion