- Legal
- Convincing
- Well-grounded
- Bona fide
- Genuine
- Legitimate
- Legit
- Having legal force
- Good, as a ticket
- Sound
- Justifiable
- Still in effect
- In effect
- Well-founded
- Sound, as reasoning
- Legally binding
- Able to hold water?
- Logically correct
- Binding, as a contract
- In force
- Still in force
- Logically sound
- Not phony
- Legally binding, as a contract
- Not expired, as a license
- Like a legally binding contract
- Authentic
- Demonstrably true
- Not yet lapsed
- Legally sound
- Not unsound
- Lawful
- Good
- Cogent
- Authoritative.
- Effective.
- True.
- Legally strong.
- Tried and true
- Sound, as an excuse
- Supportable
- Like a good excuse
- Certified
- Authenticated
- Not yet expired
- Good, as a driver's license
- Not yet expired, say
- Not expired
- Logical, as a syllogism
- Credible
- Legally acceptable
- Officially authorized
- Good, as an objection
- Logically acceptable
- You make a ___ point
- Acceptable
- Sound, as an argument
- Acceptable, like an ID
- That's a ___ point
- Based on truth