- 1934 Nobelist/deuterium discoverer Harold
- Nobel-winning chemist Harold
- Nobel chemist Harold
- Nobel winner who discovered heavy hydrogen
- 1934 Nobel chemist Harold
- 1934 Nobel chemist
- Nobel Prize chemist
- 1934 Nobelist in Chemistry
- American Nobel chemsit
- Chemistry Nobelist
- Manhattan Project scientist Harold
- 1934 chemistry Nobelist
- Chemistry Nobelist Harold
- 1934 Chemistry Nobelist Harold
- Nobel Prize winner who worked on atomic bomb.
- A top U. S. atomic scientist.
- Nobel Prize chemist, discoverer of heavy hydrogen.
- Noted atomic scientist.
- American atomic scientist.
- American chemist, Nobel prize winner, 1934.
- Discoverer of heavy hydrogen.
- Noted American chemist.
- Atomic scientist.
- Famous chemist.
- U. S. chemist, discoverer of heavy hydrogen.
- Famous U. S. chemist.
- Heavy hydrogen discoverer.
- U. S. chemist, Nobel prizewinner, 1934.
- U. S. scientist.
- American scientist.
- Nobel prize scientist.
- Prominent chemist.
- U. S. chemist, worker at Site Y.
- Noted chemist.
- Famous physicist.
- American scientist, 1934 Nobel Prize winner.
- Nuclear scientist, Nobel prize winner.
- American chemist, Nobel prize winner.
- American physicist.
- Famed physicist.
- 1934 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry.
- 1934 Nobel laureate.
- Nobel prize chemist, 1934.
- Nobelist in chemistry, 1934.
- Nobelist in chemistry.
- Nobel physicist.
- 1934 Nobel Prize chemist.
- Famous U.S. physicist.
- Nobelist chemist.
- Nobelist in physics.
- Nobel chemist
- Chemistry Nobelist, 1934
- U. S. chemist
- Chemist Harold
- Atom-pioneer Harold
- Famed chemist
- Harold the chemist
- A Nobelist in 1934
- Atomic physicist
- Nobel chemist in '34
- Nobel chemist: 1934
- Author of "One World or None"
- Deuterium's discoverer
- Manhattan Project scientist
- Manhattan Project scientist Harold ___
- Harold ___, Manhattan Project scientist
- Deuterium discoverer
- Discoverer of deuterium
- Deuterium discoverer Harold
- Chemistry Nobelist in 1934
- 1934 Nobelist
- U.S. chemist who discovered deuterium