% replaces any number of letters (la% - lake, lamp)_ replaces one letter (ca_ - car, cat)

Other crossword clues for answer "URALS"

Europe-Asia boundary
Russian mountain range
Europe-Asia divider
Russian mountain chain
Asian range
Eurasian range
Part of Asia's border
Dr. Zhivago backdrop
Range also known as the Great Stone Belt
European boundary
Continent-dividing range
Russian mountains
Russian range
Intercontinental range
Europe-Asia divide
Asian border
Range forming Europe's eastern border
A ten-ton meteor exploded over them in February 2013
Background image for one of the levels of the classic version of Tetris
Divide amidst a big country
Spine of Russia, with "the"
Destination of a train, per a chapter title of "Doctor Zhivago"
They divide Europe and Asia
Boundary between Europe and Asia
Continental divide?
Eurasian chain
Continental border
Some peaks on Asia's border
Range on a border
Mountain range between Asia and Europe
Range that's also a border
Europe-Asia border range
Western boundary of Asia
Europe-Asia dividers
Range dividing two continents
Where Mt. Telpos Iz is
Erasian range
Russian border mountains
European border range
Eurasian divide
Siberian border range
Impressive divide
Long range in Russia
Dividing range
Range that extends to the Arctic Ocean
Range mostly in Russia
Range dividing Europe and Asia
Source of some Russian copper
1,550-mile continental range
Continental border range
Mount Narodnaya's range
Border range
Mountains between Europe and Asia
Range with one end in Kazakhstan
Eurasian border mountains
Eurasian border range
Intercontinental mountain range
Mountain range from Kazakhstan to the Arctic Ocean
Range between Europe and Asia
Europe-Asia separators
Mountains of Russia
Caspian Sea range
Continental separator
Europe's eastern border
Eastern border of Europe
Narodnaya's range
Continental divider
Mineral-rich range
Home for Zhivago
Part of a continental border
Continental boundary
Natural continental border
Platinum-yielding region
They run south from the Arctic Ocean
Europe-Asia separator
Source for Fabergé's gems
Range of Russia
Range near the Arctic Ocean
Continental dividers
Doctor Zhivago locale
Russia's "treasure box" of resources
Mount Karpinsk and neighbors
Continental separators
View from Berezniki
Russia's "Great Divide."
Natural boundary between Europe and Asia.
Russia's topographic spine.
They form a wall for Siberia.
Boundary between two continents.
Mountains from the Arctic to the Caspian.
Natural boundary between two continents.
6,000-ft. range of Eurasia.
Europe-Asia border.
1,300-mile mountain range.
Where Magnitogorsk is.
Industrial region of Russia.
Magnitogorsk's mountains.
Where Ufa is.
Mountains in U. S. S. R.
Mountain range.
Europe-Asia dividing line.
Continental range.
Range east of Ufa.
Where Molotov is.
Soviet chain.
Soviet range
Russian great divide
U.S.S.R. mountains
Mt. Telpos-iz and others
Russian peaks
Soviet mountains
U.S.S.R. range
Range between continents
Major mountain range
Russian high spots
U.S.S.R. high spots
Asia-Europe dividers
Range that separates Europe from Asia
Eurasia divider
Mountains south of the Kara Sea
Eurasian mountain range
Mt. Narodnaya locale
A "Doctor Zhivago" setting
Narodnaya is the tallest of them
The Trans-Siberian Railroad crosses them
Dr. Zhivago locale
Range that divides Eurasia
Eurasian backbone
European/Asian range
Range extending south from the Kara Sea
Range extending to the Arctic Ocean
Mount Narodnaya's locale
Range extending from the Arctic to Kazakhstan
European border
Range located along the 60th meridian
Kazakhstan range
Mountain chain that stretches from Kazakhstan to the Arctic
View from the Trans-Siberian Railway
Range that separates Europe and Asia
Europe-Asia mountain divider
Perm is in them
Spine of Eurasia
Doctor Zhivago range
Range between two continents
Mountains in "Doctor Zhivago"
Border between Europe and Asia
Asia/Europe divider
Eurasian river and range
Asian river and range
Western Russian mountains
Mountains dividing Asia and Europe
Mountains east of Moscow
Eurasia dividers
Range separating two continents
Mountain range between Europe and Asia
Europe's east end
Where Asia begins
Eurasian border
Russian chain
1,500-mile-long range
Asia boundary range
Range separating Europe from Asia