- Become joined
- Join
- Join forces
- Become one
- Bring together
- Come together
- Team up
- Wed
- Merge
- Striker's cry
- Combine
- Join together as one
- Bond
- Get together
- Make one body
- Make one
- Loosen
- Not separate
- Ally for a cause
- Marry
- Get together as one
- Join together
- Labor leader's cry
- Band together
- Form a coalition
- Become whole
- Get under one umbrella
- Bond together
- Cease to be separate
- Form an alliance
- Pool resources
- Come together, as in matrimony
- Form a federation
- Tie the knot
- Bind
- Come together as one
- Fuse, in a way
- Consolidate
- Last word of "The Communist Manifesto"
- Put together
- Combine forces
- Labor organizer's cry
- Wed or weld
- Ally
- One up?
- Worker's cry
- Merge; join
- Link
- Connect
- Fuse
- Hook up
- Strengthen, in a way
- Pull together
- Confederate
- Make one of two?
- Get under one umbrella, so to speak
- Say "I do"
- Draw together
- Tie together
- Make whole
- Make one of many
- Work together
- Become 9-Down
- Work as a team
- Act in concert
- Make one out of many
- Rally up
- Organizer's exhortation
- Tie
- Striker's shout
- Marx's exhortation
- Blend
- Link up
- Mass
- Amalgamate
- Karl Marx exhortation
- Make a couple of
- Form a merger
- Integrate
- Conglomerate
- Splice together
- Exhortation of solidarity
- Stop working at cross purposes
- Associate
- Act as one
- Couple
- Rally cry, often
- Twenty-six nations do this for victory.
- Incorporate.
- Act together.
- Gather for strength.
- Bind for strength.
- Join in action.
- Weld.
- Organizers' slogan.
- Close up the ranks.
- Workers of the world, ___!
- Bind together.
- Coalesce.
- Knit.
- Federate.
- Join with.
- Cement.
- Weld together.
- Be as one
- Make as one
- Marx's advice to workers
- Conjoin
- Concatenate
- Bond or bind
- Debs's advice to workers
- Debs's exhortation
- Get togetheer
- Debs request to workers
- Anagram and antonym of 34-Down
- Splice
- Colligate
- Anagram for untie
- Form an entity
- Yoke
- Rally
- Knot
- Pool
- Agglomerate
- Demonstration exhortation
- Gang up
- Partner
- Go from two to one
- Change from two to one
- Throw in together
- Form a bloc
- Marxist exhortation to "workers of the world"
- Stick together
- Assemble
- Workers of all lands ___ (phrase on Marx's tombstone)
- Rally around a common cause
- Part of a Marxist exhortation
- Word on a striker's placard, perhaps
- Federalize
- Cry from a labor organizer
- Ally with
- Huddle together
- Consociate
- Labor leader's shout
- Create a whole?
- Meld
- Go from two or more to one
- Link together
- Call to the workers of the world
- Labor leader's watchword
- Bring together, as for a cause
- Make several one
- Rally together
- Become allied
- What Marx and Engels told workers of the world to do
- Forge an alliance
- Cohere
- Hitch
- Workers of the world ____!
- Make a merger
- Call to the workers of the world, perhaps
- Join in wedlock
- Form a bond
- Form a collective
- Become allies
- Build a bloc
- Rallier's cry
- Fuse, perhaps
- Form a group
- Close ranks
- Form one larger group
- Form a league
- Have a merger
- Bond, say