- Baseball's ref.
- Fair-or-foul decider
- Ref
- Baseline enforcer
- One who spends the whole game making calls and who might be accused of not watching at all
- One often keeping the manager in line
- One might call you out
- Diamond arbiter
- Strike caller (abbr.)
- Ref's counterpart
- Ballpark figure
- Diamond official
- Masked official
- Brave judge?
- Strike caller
- One crying foul
- Diamond head?
- One who's always at home, briefly
- Pirate enforcer?
- Obstruction caller
- Cricket official, for short
- Diamond authority
- One making decisions at home?
- Caller at home
- Crouching judge
- Plate manager
- Home body?
- First worker, perhaps?
- Second watcher
- Bend over and use your good eye! target
- One may make a fair decision
- Diamond judge?
- One who calls strikes and balls
- Strike zone enforcer
- Little League official
- Baseball arbiter, for short
- Ball caller, briefly
- A.L. official
- He calls "out"
- Base man
- Officiate at home plate
- Shouter of this puzzle's title
- Safe cracker?
- One calling strikes and balls
- Pitch caller
- Worker behind the plate
- He makes safe decisions
- One who works in a mask
- Base figure
- First person?
- He makes fair decisions
- One of four in most MLB games
- Ballpark arbiter
- Diamond arbiter, for short
- Diamond expert?
- One who sometimes works at home?
- Ref on the diamond
- World Series figure
- MLB arbiter
- Masked man?
- Strike caller, for short
- He may call you out
- Baseball VIP
- Ref's cousin
- Field judge, for short
- Man in blue
- He faces the pitcher
- One making safe decisions
- One who makes calls at home
- World Series figure^UM
- Baseball arbiter
- Call the game
- Field judge
- Certain mask wearer
- One who decides what's fair
- Plate cleaner, at times
- Base decision maker
- Call a strike, say
- Duster at home, sometimes
- Masked one at home
- Official in black
- One wearing black at home
- Diamond caller
- One stationed at a base
- One who wears a mask every fourth game
- Steee-rike! caller
- Baseball official
- Official behind a catcher
- Worker at home
- Out crier
- Caller with a mask
- One working at home
- Official at a base
- Official on a baseline
- One with a stay-at-home job?
- Caller of 1-Down
- One who might err on the safe side?
- One working at a base
- Balls and strikes caller
- Masked worker, perhaps
- Plate duster
- One making calls at home
- One verifying a tag
- One verifying safe arrivals?
- Foul line watcher, at times
- Decision maker at home
- Diamond pro
- Make calls at home, maybe
- Masked caller
- One close to home?
- MLB official
- Plate official
- Sports overseer
- Ballpark official
- Baseball judge
- Officiate at the plate
- Plate cleaner
- Ref's kin
- Officiate, for short
- Person in a mask
- Ballgame official
- Call a strike
- Sports judge
- AL arbiter
- Diamond figure
- Sports official
- Balk caller
- Tennis official
- Foul caller
- Tennis judge
- Call balls and strikes
- One facing the pitcher
- One at home in a mask
- Court authority
- Dispute settler
- Ruling source
- Foul-ball caller
- Decide what's fair or not
- Sport authority
- Ballpark authority
- Make calls
- Tennis "out" caller
- Baseball official, for short
- Fault caller
- Decide what's fair
- Caller of strikes
- Plate leaner
- One who works at home?
- Home standee
- One who might eject a manager
- Stay-at-home worker?
- Homer signaler
- Third person?
- Referee.
- His eye is on the ball.
- The catcher's shadow.
- Masked man of decision.
- Arbiter: Abbr.
- Sport official: Slang.
- Baseball official: Colloq.
- Man of decision, come spring.
- Referee: Abbr.
- Crier of "Play ball!"
- Diamond man.
- Relative of a ref.
- VIP in sports.
- Baseball figure.
- Sport figure: Abbr.
- Ref.'s relative.
- Masked man: Abbr.
- Diamond figure, for short
- Man behind the plate
- Arbiter, for short
- Catcher's company
- Game caller
- Man behind home plate
- Diamond off.
- Grid official
- N.L. arbiter
- Fenway Pk. figure
- Doug Harvey is one
- He rules at home
- Fig. behind home plate
- A.L. or N.L. official
- Diamond fig.
- Ref's colleague
- One crying "Yer out!"
- One who brushes off a plate, informally
- He cleans the plate
- He calls K's
- Fenway Pk. arbiter
- Sports off.
- Plate watcher
- Object of invective, often
- Kill the ___! (ball park cry)
- There's one at home
- Authority on diamonds?
- Person at home
- Person with a chest pad
- One who may be found at home
- Man in black?
- Call
- Caller of balls and strikes
- Worker often seen crouching
- One making calls
- Expert on a 68-Across
- Caller of strikes and balls, for short
- Maker of calls
- See 7-Down
- Field authority
- Whisk broom-wielding official, for short
- Official in a mask
- One behind home plate, informally
- Official with a whisk broom, for short
- One crouching at home
- Stee-rike! caller
- Chest protector wearer
- Official behind home plate, for short
- One speaking "out"?
- Person behind a strike?
- Person who regularly cleans his plate?
- Official sometimes said to be blind
- One working at home, for short
- Person staying near home
- Baseball boobird's target, often
- Call balls and strikes, informally
- Much-maligned official
- World Series official
- Bag man?
- First, second or third person
- Make the calls, informally
- One at home, informally
- One who might be second-guessed by instant replays
- Stereotypically "blind" official, for short
- A count manager
- One using foul language?
- Person who might call you out
- Ball caller
- Official with a protective vest
- One crying foul, say
- One who cries "Yer out!"
- One whose business is home-based?
- One whose calling is making calls?
- One calling you out, perhaps
- One making calls from home
- One who calls people out
- Fair/foul caller
- Judge at home
- One who makes calls
- Authority behind home
- Oft-booed official
- One who works from home?
- Ref relative
- Shea official
- Field official
- Polo official
- 'Yer out!' shouter
- Play caller
- Sports arbiter
- Game official
- Strike and ball caller
- One may shout 'Out!'
- One wiping off a dish at home?
- Cricket official
- Diamond crew member
- Man at home
- Person who works from home?
- Softball judge, for short
- Diamond decision maker
- He called a strike?
- Short sport judge
- Stereotypically blind official
- Blind official, in stereotypes
- Guy who cries foul
- He may call a strike
- Ref's diamond counterpart
- You could be safe with him
- His chest is protected at home
- Ref's cohort
- Diamond worker?
- He keeps a clean plate
- Authority at home
- Authority at home, briefly
- Stereotypically blind judge, of a kind
- He keeps the count
- One whose chest is protected, briefly
- Ballpark fig.?
- Out! shouter
- One who cries foul
- Official often seen crouching
- Ballpark official, briefly
- Little League official, briefly
- Baseball offic.
- Man calling out many superstars?
- Official with a chest protector
- Sports offic.
- Infield fly rule caller
- Play ball! announcer
- At home worker?
- One calling you out
- Official on a diamond
- One known for calling people out
- One of four at an MLB game
- Diamond authority, informally?
- One of an MLB quartet
- Person who's often booed, briefly
- Fastpitch official, for short
- Softball ref
- Softball referee
- One who calls strikes at home
- One who knows if you're out?
- Work-from-home job?
- Official who calls "Strike!"
- One who shouts "Out!"
- Worker who calls strikes?
- One who cries "Foul," for short
- One who might stay close to home?
- Baseball ref
- Plate cleaner sometimes
- See 5 Down: abbr.
- Diamond dynast
- Brief arbiter
- Diamond authority, briefly
- Authority on diamonds, briefly
- He works on diamonds
- He's sure to clean his plate
- One is at home
- One works at home
- He can make you safe at home
- He's there when you run home
- There's always one at home
- Play ball! crier
- Guy crouching at the park
- Man in blue, often
- Strike-caller, in brief
- Infield fly caller
- One who rules on the thrown?
- Shortened baseball official
- He may give a Yank the thumb
- Short ballpark official?
- He'll call you out
- One of a MLB quartet
- Home plate worker
- Person calling strikes
- Home plate official
- MLB ref
- Masked man at home
- Let judge
- Home plate figure, briefly
- Pitch evaluator
- He may work at home
- Person who works at home
- Expert on plays
- The power behind the thrown?
- Figure behind a catcher
- Home worker
- One who calls 'em as he sees 'em
- Person who's critical at first
- Base watcher
- Call the shots
- Watch a lot of plays, say
- Work-at-home sort
- Figure at A's-O's games
- Safe signaler
- Worker who makes lots of calls
- Masked figure around home
- Stadium personage
- Field worker
- Yer out! caller
- One who calls balls
- Person working at home, perhaps