- Letters before an email summary
- Shorthand when you can't get through the whole text, and what the omissions from this puzzle's theme answers yield
- And now for the short version, in text-speak
- I just looked at the headline, tbh
- Shorthand before summarizing something long
- No time to look at this, sorry, initially
- I ignored that epic email you sent me in Internet shorthand
- I don't have time to read this, in brief
- In sum letters
- This email's a book initially
- I skipped this; try being more concise next time, in Internet shorthand
- Condense your post next time
- Initials preceding a summary of a massive wall of text
- In case you have allotted no time to peruse this, I've prepared this summary, in summary
- Short recap of the starred entries, in case you didn't feel like solving the whole puzzle
- Internet abbreviation before an internet abbreviation?
- Letters before a summary
- I lost interest acronym spelled out by the starts of four answers in this puzzle
- No time to wade through this initialism
- Abbr. before a synopsis
- In short initialism
- Make it shorter, made shorter
- Abbr. with a synopsis
- Texter's "Couldn't finish this article"
- Texter's "I didn't have time for it"
- Here's a brief summary, in internet-speak
- Modern initialism for one skimming text
- Here's a quick summary, in internet-speak
- Here's a short summary, in internet lingo
- Modern initialism when skipping text
- For those wanting a summary, in internet-speak
- Here's a shorter summary, on internet forums
- To recap, in an internet initialism
- Initialism before an online summary
- I'm not looking through that wall of text, briefly
- Letters before an online synopsis
- Acronym at the start or end of a wordy online post
- Abbr. before a lengthy post's summary
- Initials before an online summary
- Letters before an online summary
- Initials before a summary
- Acronym after a long paragraph
- Here's a summary initials
- Acronym before a summary
- Internet shorthand before summing up a wordy post
- [That's a lot of text.... Skip!]