- Sample at the perfume counter
- Game company laborer
- One looking for bugs, perhaps
- Expert who worked this puzzle before you
- Video game company employee
- Examiner
- Sampler
- Tricky problem
- A teacher, at times
- Lab technician, perhaps
- Trial figure?
- Canopy
- Consumer Reports employee
- Teacher, at times
- Professor, at times
- Exam giver
- Perfume sample
- Bed canopy
- Sample bottle of perfume
- Lab worker, at times
- Professor, often
- Knotty problem
- Person who gives an exam
- Bottle of sample perfume
- Perfume sample bottle
- Not-easy opportunity
- Something challenging
- Perfume sampler
- Person participating in a tryout
- Montana senator Jon
- Proving device.
- Assayer.
- Proving-ground driver.
- Canopy over a bed.
- Canopy on a four-poster.
- Canopy of a bed.
- Pulpit's canopy.
- Altar canopy
- Bed's canopy
- Bed adjunct
- Lab worker, perhaps
- Perfumery employee
- Person doing a practice run
- Certain Consumer Reports employee
- Employee at a perfumery
- Certain employee of a game company or perfumery
- Game company employee
- One solving a draft crossword before publication, e.g.
- Beta ___
- Quality-assurance role
- Someone whose task is trying
- Scented sample
- Examiner, e.g.
- Sample of perfume
- Bottle at the perfume counter
- Unsealed bottle at the perfume counter
- One doing lab work
- Beta ___ (person finding bugs)
- She examines
- Schoolteacher, at times
- Beta male?