- Scatter
- Spread around
- Broadcast
- Do as the flower girl does
- Pass out
- Scatter (about)
- Scatter, as bird feed
- Throw everywhere
- Toss here and there
- Throw (about)
- Toss about
- Place not exactly neatly
- Toss everywhere
- Distribute with no organization
- Toss into the wind, say
- Throw around
- Spread by scattering
- Disperse
- Cover by scattering
- Emulate a litterbug
- Distribute, as confetti
- Toss haphazardly
- Sprinkle
- Emulate the flower girl
- Toss around
- Spread widely
- Sprinkle around
- Disseminate
- Scatter, as seed
- Spread here and there
- Scatter, like petals
- Spread
- Sprinkle about
- Cast about
- Scatter around
- Spread about
- Throw here and there
- Scatter all around
- Spray everywhere
- Overspread
- Toss randomly
- Diffuse
- Spread abroad
- Scatter loosely.
- Dedicate to the wind.
- Release carelessly.
- Spread, hit or miss.
- Distribute.
- Spread, as sawdust
- Ted
- What litterbugs do
- Make a disorderly mess
- Litter
- Sow, maybe
- Spread, as seed
- Cast wide
- Toss about, as petals
- Scatter, as flower petals
- Spread, as seeds
- Scatter here and there
- Scattered
- Spread, like streamers
- Scatter, as rose petals
- Create clutter
- Scatter rose petals
- Toss, as confetti
- Throw all over the place
- Sprinkle all about
- Spread all about, as seeds
- Toss about, as seeds
- Randomly scatter
- Throw all over
- Scatter, as confetti
- Toss about, as confetti
- Scatter everywhere
- Sow, perhaps