- Least fresh
- Most old, as bread
- Most past its due date
- Superlatively stagnant
- Most overused
- Like the most ancient joke
- Least original
- Like the oldest jokes
- Most clichéd
- Like the oldest bread
- Trite to the max
- Least creative
- Most musty
- Most tired
- Least appetizing
- Unsurpassingly unoriginal
- Least innovative
- Least newsworthy
- Superlatively trite
- Most like a chestnut
- Describing the state of ancient jokes
- Most vapid.
- Most corny.
- Oldest, as news.
- Driest.
- Flattest.
- Tritest.
- Least interesting.
- Most stereotyped
- Most uninteresting
- Oldest, as jokes
- Most trite
- Most unoriginal
- Most outdated
- Passe in the extreme
- Most familiar
- Least salable, perhaps
- Most old-hat
- Most passe
- Least appetizing, as bread
- Most dried-out, as bread
- Hardest, as bread
- Least fresh, as bread
- Furthest from the freshest
- Most crusty, perhaps
- Superlatively ancient joke
- Most moldy, maybe
- Unoriginal to the max
- Showing the least originality