- Put on a show
- Put on, as a show
- Enacted
- Contrived
- Like a pro wrestling event
- Produced, as a play
- Put on
- Not impromptu
- Brought to Broadway
- Not occurring naturally
- Done for dramatic effect
- Orchestrated
- Produced, as an opera
- Put on, as a play
- Produced on Broadway
- Produced, as plays
- Faked, as a fight
- Held, as a protest
- Not spontaneous
- Produced
- Simulated
- Presented, as a show
- Planned in advance
- Produced a play
- Produced for the theater
- Far from spontaneous
- Unspontaneous
- Produced in a theatre.
- Produced an opera.
- Arranged to take place dramatically.
- Exhibited.
- Put on a play.
- Planned and carried out.
- Planned, arranged and carried out.
- Prepared for exhibition.
- Presented.
- Displayed publically.
- Prearranged.
- Produced a show.
- Put on, off Broadway.
- Emulated Joseph Papp
- Put on Broadway
- Produced for public viewing
- Presented a play
- Arranged
- Like fraudulent accidents
- Faked
- Like some disappearances
- Put on, as plays
- Presented, as a play
- Like heists and operas
- Set up
- Theatrically presented
- Dramatized
- Like preplanned drama
- Directed a play
- Set up for effect
- Like pro wrestling matches
- Like many reality shows and wrestling matches
- Artificial, in a way