- On ___ (with an eye toward selling)
- __ sheet (builder's instructions)
- Deet
- Small part of a plan?
- Builder's sample
- Builder's sample, in short
- Work-order detail
- Builder's model
- Contract requirement, for short
- Dimension, to a builder
- Design detail
- Bullet point in a tech document
- Detail
- Piece of a design
- Designer's detail, for short
- Small detail?
- Element in a builder's plan, briefly
- A freelancer often writes on it
- Design detail, for short
- Detail on a blueprint
- Detail on a job
- Writers may work on it
- Work detail?
- Building detail
- Tough thing to work on
- Work-order entry
- Freelancers often write on it
- Freelancer's small detail
- What a freelancer writes on
- Something to build on
- Freelancers may work on it
- Thing to work on
- Detail, briefly
- Biz gamble
- Detail, for short
- What some homes are built on
- Blueprint detail
- What a house may be built on
- Brief detail
- Work on ___
- Blueprint, briefly
- Blueprint detail, briefly
- On __ (without guarantee)
- On ___ (with no buyer lined up)
- Provide details for
- On ___ (without a contract)
- Engineering detail
- Contract document, for short
- It may be written on concrete
- Production detail
- Bid document, often
- Something a contractor works with or on
- Part of many bid docs
- Accompanier of plan drawings
- Detail to build on
- Doc at a construction site
- Design criterion
- On ___ (made without commitment)
- Job detail, briefly
- On ___ (as a gamble)
- Risky business
- Risky stock trading, for short
- Some writers work on it
- What some houses are built on?
- On ___ (without assurance)
- On ___ (without commitment)
- Some builders build on it
- On ___ (in hopes of a sale)
- Risky business, briefly
- What an article may be written on
- Design detail, briefly
- Kind of sheet
- Blueprint item
- Blueprint item, briefly
- Design criterion, briefly
- Detailed description, for short
- Many writers work on it
- On ___ (without a buyer)
- Risky business, in brief
- On ___ (with no contract)
- Something to build a house on?
- What some writers work on
- Project info
- Blueprint detail, for short
- Project detail
- Project particular
- Something risky to build on
- Guideline, briefly
- What many freelancers work on
- Developer's draft
- An article may be written on it
- Dinky detail?
- On ___ (pending approval)
- Architectural detail, for short
- Blueprint bit
- It's risky to build on it
- Engineer's detail, briefly
- What some freelancers work on
- ___ sheet
- Guesswork, for short
- On ____: sans commitment
- On ____: without commitment
- Brief requirement
- Buy on ___
- On ___: unguaranteed
- On ___: written without a contract
- ___ first class: mil. rank
- On ___: conditionally
- Risky venture, briefly
- Builder's detail, briefly
- On ___
- On ___: without a committed buyer
- On ___: without a firm buyer
- Build on ___
- A writer may work on it
- Short detail?
- Build on __
- Some homes are built on it
- Builder's detail, in brief
- Job particular, briefly
- Mfr.'s detail
- Mfr.'s requirement
- __ sheet: guidelines
- A freelancer may work on it
- Many authors write on it
- Freelance work may be done on it
- Particular, briefly
- Prototype detail, briefly
- Designer's detail, briefly
- Work detail, briefly
- What houses may be built on
- Job particular
- What some build on
- Project detail, briefly
- What freelancers may work on?
- Freelancer's detail
- Job detail
- Bit of design info
- Freelance detail, briefly
- Building detail, briefly
- What some write on
- Building guideline
- On __: without a contract
- What it's risky to build on?
- What a script may be written on
- What manuscripts may be submitted on
- Builder's guideline
- Builder's guideline, briefly
- What a crossword is often constructed on
- Construction guideline
- On __: sans contract
- What many writers work on
- It's risky to work on it
- Not commissioned, after "on"
- Technical detail, briefly
- On __: how much freelance work is done
- Architect's detail, briefly
- Job detail, for short
- Architect's detail
- Architectural detail
- On __ (riskily)
- Risk taking, for short
- Venture, for short
- Write plans for
- Plan detail
- Lens, for short
- On __ (with risk)
- Risky business, for short
- Plan detail, for short
- Freelancers work on it
- Work detail, for short
- On __ (without a buyer)
- Blueprint datum
- On __ (without commitment)
- Plot size, e.g.
- Investment activity, so to speak
- Guideline, for short
- Risky biz
- Proposal detail
- Engineering datum
- Imprecision, for short
- Risk, so to speak
- Task detail
- Unsure thing, for short
- Design datum
- Design element
- Risky activity, for short
- Materials to be used, e.g.
- Particular, in short
- Proposal detail, for short
- Risky business, informally
- Design, with "out"
- Unsure thing
- Dimension or duration, e.g.
- Building plan detail
- Builder's directive
- Some buildings are built on this
- Do some architectural work
- On ___ (how some things are built)
- Writers often write on this
- On ___ (how magazine articles might be written)
- Buying on hopes for profit: slang.
- Stock Exchange gambling: Colloq.
- Gambling for profit: Colloq.
- Risk: Colloq.
- Wall Street gambling: Colloq.
- Activity of a Wall St. bull or bear: Slang.
- Conjecture or surmise: Slang.
- Unusual: Abbr.
- Something unusual: Abbr.
- Ticket scalper: Colloq.
- Type of train: Abbr.
- Short for a type of TV program.
- Wall Street gamble, for short.
- On ___ (taking a chance).
- Stated item: Abbr.
- Uncommon: Abbr.
- On ___ (taking a risk): Slang.
- Kind of train: Abbr.
- Draftsman's abbreviation.
- Arch.'s drawing
- Risky transaction, for short
- Particular: Abbr.
- Requirement: Abbr.
- Slang for chance-taking.
- Wall Street man: Abbr.
- Unique: Abbr.
- Distinct: Abbr.
- Surmise, for short
- Not ordinary: Abbr.
- Not regular: Abbr.
- Stock gamble, for short
- Conjecture, for short
- Kind of delivery: Abbr.
- Blueprint, for short
- Risk venture, for short
- Architect's detailed description, for short
- Blueprint datum, for short
- Wall St. term for a risk
- Buy on ___ (take a flyer)
- N.Y.S.E. risky buy
- N.Y.S.E. high risk
- Risky venture on Wall St.
- Working plan, for short
- Bear's risk on Wall St.
- On ___ (Wall St. risk)
- Wall St. term
- On ___ (at a risk)
- Arch.'s document
- Risky N.Y.S.E. activity
- Risky deal, for short
- Investor's work, for short
- On _____ (freelancer's terms)
- On ___ (like some writers' assignments)
- On___ (for later approval)
- On ___ (like much freelance work)
- On ___ (without assurance of payment)
- An article might be written on it
- Not guaranteed, after "on"
- Particular, for short
- On ___ (like some jobs)
- Some work may be done on it
- Planning detail
- Contractor's detail, for short
- Not assigned, after "on"
- Detail in a builder's plan
- Some houses are built on it
- Mil. designation
- Project detail, for short
- Something risky to work on
- Particular
- You may work on it
- You might not get paid while working on it
- It's risky to build a house on this
- Architect's detail, for short
- It may be submitted to an architect
- Particular, informally
- Technical work requirement
- Provide technical details for
- Guideline for a contractor, for short
- Product detail, briefly
- What many designers work on
- Design feature
- Guideline for a freelancer, for short
- Provide design details for
- Something a journalist may work on
- What many writers write on
- Detail, in brief
- Particular in a design
- Building direction, briefly
- Something journalists may work on
- Something you might write an article on
- A house may be built on it
- On ___ (without a firm commitment)
- De-tailed detail?
- Technical detail, for short
- 3 ft. x 5 ft., e.g.
- Bit of "deets"
- Something you might write on
- *Misleadingly plausible
- Area of a room, e.g.
- Blueprint detail, in brief
- Design deet
- Dimension, e.g.
- Display size or camera res, e.g.
- Detailed description
- On -- (without a contract)
- Aro-___
- On ___ (freelance phrase)
- On ___ (how some magazine pieces are written)
- Figure
- On ___ (how many freelancers work)
- Work on ___ (do freelance projects without a guarantee of payment)
- Manual info
- Tech. detail
- It's sometimes built on
- On _____ (without commitment)
- Design description
- Done on _____ (without contract)
- Short, detailed description
- Builder's enumeration
- Builder's detail, for short
- Schematic detail, briefly
- Done on ___ (without contract)
- What some film scripts are written on
- Little detail
- Some houses are built on this
- ___ sheet (guidelines)
- ___ sheet (builder's instructions)
- Something to work on?
- Working description
- Blueprint detail, in short
- On ___ (without a guaranteed sale)
- Builder's plan detail
- Prototype detail, informally
- Risky thing to build a house on
- Risky thing to build or write on
- Risky thing to write on
- Singular blueprint detail
- Singular work detail
- Something to build or write on
- Blueprint particular
- Brief blueprint detail
- Work detail, informally
- Blueprint bit, briefly
- Blueprint detail, informally
- Detail in a plan, briefly
- What many freelancers write on?
- Freelancer's guideline, briefly
- Architect's deet
- Design detail, in brief
- Blueprint deet
- Building deet
- Buy on ____
- On ____: conditional
- On ____: per detailed directions
- Like some new houses
- On ___: at risk
- On ____: as a gamble
- On ____: with no assurance of sale
- Small detail briefly?
- Detailed proposal, for short
- Builder's directive, in short
- Quick guess
- Not guaranteed, with on
- Builder's plan
- Building plan, for short
- Contractor's detail, briefly
- What some things are built on
- An unsolicited script, e.g.
- Some work on it
- Something to write on?
- On ___ (with no assurance of sale)
- Blueprint detail (Abbr.)
- Schematic detail, for short
- Architect's small detail?
- Builder's enumeration, for short
- On ___ (like a freelance submission)
- 12-Down detail, for short
- On ___ (like freelance submissions)
- Risky venture, for short
- Design datum, briefly
- Builder's guideline, for short
- Engineering detail, for short
- Word before "sheet" or "script"
- On ___ (without an order)
- Engineering req.
- On ___ (unassigned)
- On -- (as a gamble)
- Building req.
- Risky move, for short
- Mark with measurements, maybe
- You can write on it
- On ___ (how freelance work may be submitted)
- Contractor's detail
- Blueprint figure
- Some people write on it
- Blueprint number
- Builder's figure
- Many writers write on it
- With 28-Across, some CIA business
- Figure for a contractor
- What freelancers write on
- Design figure, for short