- Sends some unread messages, likely
- Inundates with junk
- Floods Gmail, possibly
- Bombards with cyberjunk
- Bombards with unwanted E-mail
- Sends junk email to
- Solicits undesirably
- Rapidly disseminates junk, perhaps
- Sends junk e-mail
- Rapidly disseminates junk, in a way
- Sends out junk e-mail
- Sends unsolicited spiels
- Hits with junk mail
- Sends unwanted e-mail to
- Bombards with junk
- Bombards with electronic junk
- Sends unwanted e-mail
- Bombards with junk email
- Bombards with bogus offers
- Pesters online, in a way
- Bombards with e-junk
- Sends email destined for the trash
- Abuses an email list, say
- Sends unasked-for e-mail
- Unwelcome contacts
- Fills some in-boxes with trash
- Inundates inboxes, perhaps
- Fills in-boxes with junk
- Sends cyberads to
- Sends unwanted messages
- Hits with junk e-mail
- Bombards with bogus offers, say
- Makes unwanted overtures?
- Sends unwanted e-mails
- Solicits in bulk
- Sends cyberjunk
- Sends millions of unwanted messages, say
- Slows down traffic, say?
- Hits with some trash
- Blasts inboxes
- Bombards with fake offers
- Assails with emails
- Blasts with junk
- Inundates with some junk
- Sends unwanted texts to, maybe
- Sends 10 texts in a row to, say
- Floods with junk
- Pesters with unwanted messages
- Sends junk to
- Bombards with chain e-mails, perhaps
- Floods with messages
- Sends junk mail online
- Sends junk emails
- Solicits via email
- Inundates with messages
- Floods with unwanted email
- Bombards with email
- Targets with cyberjunk
- Floods with junk email
- Bombards with emails
- Bombards with junk emails
- Pesters with emails
- Sends some trash-worthy items
- Sends mass mailings to, in a way
- Sends unsolicited messages to
- Floods with cyberjunk
- Overuses a mailing list, say
- Floods the inbox of
- Inundates with cyberjunk