- Classified
- Put into piles
- Put in cubbyholes
- Did a postal job
- In order, to Brits
- Performed a database operation
- Pigeonholed
- Put into pigeonholes
- Did post office work
- Did a laundry chore
- Put in stacks
- Arranged by size, say
- Alphabetized, say
- In folders, say
- Put into groups
- In order
- Organized
- Separated, as laundry
- Put into place
- Placed in order
- Alphabetized
- Put into stacks
- Systematized, in a way
- In good order
- Ready for delivery
- Slotted the mail
- Alphabetized, e.g.
- Culled.
- Graded.
- Placed in classes.
- Put in order.
- Arranged in groups.
- Arranged.
- Got the wash ready
- Unscrambled
- Did a P.O. job
- Did a clerk's work
- Did a prelaundry job
- Did a clerical chore
- In sets
- Arranged by type
- In cubbyholes
- Like some mail and laundry
- Taken care of, with "out"
- Got in order
- Organized CDs
- In uniform groups
- Arranged by color
- Put in alphabetical order
- Put into ascending order
- Categorized
- Put in alphabetical order, e.g.
- Put in ascending order, e.g.
- Placed in piles
- Worked in a mailroom
- Did a mailroom job
- Did a washday chore
- Alphabetized, for example
- Assigned to Gryffindor, say
- Arranged by date, say
- Grouped into categories
- In alphabetical order, say