- Dowses
- Soaks up
- Absorbs, with "up"
- Dips bread in gravy
- Soaks up, as gravy
- Cleans the plate, as with a piece of bread
- Dips bread, as in gravy
- Bribes
- Saturates
- Enjoys a French dip, say
- Peace offerings
- Small bribes
- They're meant to grease palms
- Picks up from the plate
- Uses bread, in a way
- Edible absorbers
- Palm greasers
- Doesn't leave any of, as sauce
- Dips in gravy
- Bread pieces, to fondue
- Conciliatory gestures
- Dipping breads
- Little bribes
- Drenches
- Soaks
- Gravy absorbers
- Payoffs
- Soaks in gravy
- Absorbs, as liquid (with "up")
- Conciliatory gifts
- Soaks (up), as with a paper towel
- Cleans (up) using Bounty
- Finishes (up) the gravy
- Illegal payments
- Conciliatory offers
- Incentives to cooperate
- Concessions
- Dips in 72 Down
- Dips in liquid
- Progresso products
- Percolates.
- Soaks in.
- Becomes wet.
- Concessions for appeasement.
- Dunks.
- Soaks in liquid.
- Morsels of appeasement.
- Steeps in liquid.
- Appeasing gifts.
- Pacifiers.
- Steeps.
- Oozes through.
- Soaks through.
- Douceurs.
- Placebos.
- Petty bribes
- Wets thoroughly
- Rolls, for stew
- Food eaten with gravy
- Biscuits and rolls, sometimes
- Chunks of bread for stew, e.g.
- Minor concessions
- Gravy go-withs
- Absorbs, as with bread
- Soaks up sauce
- Absorbs gravy with bread
- Absorbs gravy with bread, e.g.
- Eats gravy with bread
- Bread-in-gravy actions
- Gravy sucker-uppers
- Gravy soaker-uppers
- Payoffs or bribes
- ___ up (absorbs with bread)
- Kickbacks
- Wets
- CEOs establish these
- How it's done for short
- Pieces of solid food for dipping
- Gets up all the gravy, in a way
- Gravy or sauce picker-uppers
- ___ up (absorbs)
- Takes up
- Gets the last of the gravy
- Placatory offerings