- Show hauteur toward
- Social climber
- Uppity one
- Nose
- High hat
- Uppish type
- Record store employee, stereotypically
- Stuck-up sort
- Beezer
- Elitist hipster
- Elitist snob
- Snobbish one
- Contemptuous one
- Hoity-toity one
- Act condescending
- Treat with disdain
- High-hatter
- Honker
- Publicly disdain
- Uppity sort
- Beak
- One who's often looking down
- Type who probably disagrees with the saying "money isn't everything"
- C-3PO, personality (...robot-ality?)-wise
- Schnozzola
- Schnoz
- Highbrow
- Nose, or one with the nose in the air
- Schnozzle
- Condescender
- Elitist
- Haughty sort
- Supercilious sort
- Hoity-toity type
- Look down one's nose at
- Protruding growth
- Schnozz
- Snob
- Uppity type
- Condescending sort
- Nose, slangily
- Nose-in-the-air type
- High-and-mighty type
- Supercilious type
- Arrogant sort
- Slangy 21-Across
- Condescending one
- High-and-mighty sort
- Haughty one
- Lah-di-dah type
- Condescending type
- Nose, so to speak
- Stuck-up one
- Snobbish sort
- Haughty ones
- Nose-in-air type
- Nose-in-the-air sort
- Name-dropper, quite possibly
- Nose, informally
- Snobbish person
- Elitist, informally
- Highbrow type
- Talk-down type
- Nose, in slang
- One living in a hauteur climate
- The face: Colloq.
- A grimace: Colloq.
- Grimace of contempt: Colloq.
- Contemptuous grimace: Colloq.
- Grimace: Colloq.
- Regard superciliously: Slang.
- Face: Slang.
- Grimace: Slang.
- Nose: Slang.
- Pig's "beak"
- Face: Colloq.
- Nose: Colloq.
- Proboscis: Slang.
- Proboscis
- Snub
- Upstage
- Give the cold shoulder to
- Act uppity toward
- Beak; beezer
- Hardly one of hoi polloi
- High-hat type
- Supercilious one
- One who's standoffish
- Art critic, stereotypically
- Hoity-toity sort
- Elitist sort
- Stuck-up person
- Proboscis, informally
- A nose that shows
- Haughty type
- Stuck-up type
- Arrogant one
- A nose that certainly shows
- One with his nose in the air
- Treat with haughty disdain
- Schnoz or honker
- Act hoity-toity
- Hardly one of the hoi polloi
- Nose, or nose-in-the-air type
- One with the nose in the air
- Nose, cutesily
- Act superior
- Smeller
- Contemptuous grimace