- Tiptoe about
- Underhanded one
- Dastardly one
- Move stealthily
- Sly sort
- Kind of attack
- Move surreptitiously
- Double-crosser
- Walk on tiptoes, say
- Quarterback maneuver
- Pussyfoot
- Kind of preview
- 4th and inches option, often
- Creep
- 4th-and-inches play
- Move around undetected
- Skulk
- Shifty character
- Sort of preview
- Furtive sort
- Go furtively
- Move on the sly
- Move furtively
- Furtive fellow
- Proceed on tiptoe
- Tiptoe
- Try to avoid detection
- Philander, with "around"
- Steal
- Be light on one's feet?
- Go unnoticed
- Type of preview
- Adjective for some previews
- Dishonest sort
- Sly guy
- Stealthy fellow
- Quarterback's play
- Clandestine
- Underhanded type
- Not do openly
- Crafty person
- Underhanded sort
- Stealthy sort
- Creep furtively
- ___ preview
- ___ peek (preview)
- Creep around
- Furtive type
- Conniver
- Quarterback option
- Take on the sly
- Go steathily
- Move with stealth
- Have on the sly
- Lurker
- Quarterback's option
- Furtive one
- Smuggle
- Go on tiptoe
- Be sly
- Weasel
- Gridiron strategy
- Play with no hand-off
- Gridiron maneuver
- One going behind your back
- Preview opener?
- Enjoy on the sly
- Goal line play
- __ preview
- Tiptoe, say
- Move on tiptoe, say
- Tiptoe deviously
- Move on tiptoe
- Untrustworthy one
- Puma, for one
- Shifty one
- Gridiron play
- Walk on tiptoes
- Go quietly
- Move quietly
- Creep about
- Quarterback play
- Crafty one
- Sly one
- Rascal
- Shady sort
- Short-yardage play
- With 17 Down, early look
- Walk on tiptoe
- Tiptoe, perhaps
- Prowler
- Move very quietly
- __ preview (early film showing)
- Ne'er-do-well
- Walk furtively
- Run by the quarterback
- Skulker
- Jap style of attack.
- Furtive thief.
- Furtive move.
- Slink.
- Lurk.
- Opening lead of a singleton, in bridge.
- Opening lead of a singleton, at bridge.
- Underhand person.
- A furtive move.
- Singleton lead at bridge, for instance.
- Undercover attack.
- Furtive filcher.
- Furtive person.
- A kind of thief.
- Contemptible person.
- He's underhanded.
- A lead from a singleton.
- Kind of screen prevue.
- Lead from a singleton.
- Move slyly.
- Lead in bridge.
- Prowl.
- Move about stealthily.
- Skulking type.
- Opening lead of a singleton.
- ___ thief
- Kind of thief
- Quarterback's maneuver
- Quarterback ploy
- Type of thief
- Be surreptitious
- Jack Nasty
- Move slowly
- Quarterback ___, gridiron play
- Behave furtively
- Cookie-jar pilferer
- Quarterback, at times
- Sly fellow
- Underhanded fellow
- Untrustworthy sort
- Snake in the grass
- QB's ploy
- Underhanded bum
- No-goodnik
- Quarterback's ploy
- Move under cover
- Take furtively
- Choice for third and short
- Dastard
- ___ attack
- ___ Previews (onetime show of 48-Down)
- Underhanded schemer
- Tiptoe, maybe
- Act furtively
- Clandestine sort
- One not to be trusted
- Slippery sort
- Tiptoer, e.g.
- Apt anagram of SNAKE
- Crafty sort
- Weaselly sort
- Quarterback ___
- Creep (up on)
- Move covertly
- Eavesdropping sort, maybe
- Skulk about
- Skulk around
- Skulking sort
- How Robert Palmer will get "Sally Through the Alley"
- How teenagers get into over-21 show
- Ric Ocasek "___ Attack"
- Take surreptitiously, as a peek at Christmas presents
- ___ a peek
- Tiptoe (around)
- Word with preview or attack
- Be furtive
- Preview preview
- Kind of peek
- Kind of preview or attack
- Behave stealthily
- Emulate a cat burglar
- Like some previews
- Type of attack for a burglar?
- Avoid detection
- Be a cat burglar
- Move like a ninja
- Dishonest person
- Move like a cat burglar
- Quarterback's plunge play
- ____ attack
- Filch
- Furtive guy
- Move like a burglar
- Shifty sort
- Go stealthily
- Move on tippy toes
- Quarterback ___ (tricky football play)
- With 25-Across, secretly enter
- ___ peek
- Walk on tiptoe, say
- ___ in (enter secretly)
- Quarterback tactic
- Act the lurker
- Test screening
- Secretive sort
- Weaselly person
- Quarterback run
- Not the trustworthy sort