- Put a hurt on
- Strike down
- Strike like St. George
- Bible belt?
- Afflict
- Hit, Biblically
- Clip biblically
- Belt, biblically
- Hit, in the biblical sense
- Deliver a blow of Biblical proportions?
- Smack, biblically
- Clobber, quaintly
- Clobber
- Hit
- Hit, old-style
- Strike, biblically
- Clobber, in the Bible
- Hit hard
- Quash with a heavy blow
- Hit, in the Bible
- Whack
- Clobber, old-style
- Bash, Biblically
- Biblical "bash"
- Whack, in Biblespeak
- Strike, in the biblical sense
- Deal a blow
- Hit, the old-fashioned way
- Preacher's "clobber"
- Strike
- Clobber, biblically
- Whack, biblically
- Strike down, biblically
- Whomp, biblically
- Strike, quaintly
- Whomp, quaintly
- Make a big hit?
- Strike down, Bible-style
- Strike down, in the Bible
- Strike down, old-style
- Hit hard, old-style
- Clock
- Buffet, old-style
- Strike, in the Bible
- Wallop
- Cuff
- Punish.
- Hit stoutly.
- Strike hard.
- Strike heavily.
- Deal a heavy blow.
- Impress strongly.
- Use a club
- Strike with force.
- Afflict suddenly.
- Impress suddenly.
- And the Lord shall ___ Egypt: Isa. 19:22
- Strike, as with 28 Down
- Swat
- Whomp
- Belabor
- God shall ___ thee: Acts 23:3
- Hit heavily
- Hit, biblical style
- Thwack
- Hit powerfully
- Beat, old style
- Destroy or kill
- Emulate David
- Thump
- Knock hard
- Slug, old-style
- Give a mighty blow
- Lay low
- Whomp, old-style
- Smack hard
- Punch hard
- Deal a mighty blow
- Beat, biblically
- Strike hard, in the Bible
- Biblical waste?
- *Do in, old-style
- Off in biblical lands?
- Do in, biblically
- Exact godly vengeance on
- Biblically whomp
- Slug, biblically
- Deal a blow to
- Wallop, biblically
- Smack down
- Whack, in the Bible
- Strike forcefully
- Inflict a heavy blow on
- Punish, Biblical-style
- Attack, in a way
- Attack of biblical proportions?
- Strike with force, biblically
- Strike hard, centuries ago
- Strike, way-back
- Mace a jouster
- Enamor
- Dispatch, biblical style
- Clobber, biblical-style
- Deliver a biblical blow
- Strike dead
- Clobber, in scripture
- Strike down mightily
- Pound
- Biblical "buffet"
- Use a mace
- Strike a la Samson
- Hit hard, in the Bible
- Get biblical on
- Strike with lightning, perhaps
- Strike, Samson-style
- Strike with great force
- Belt, in the Bible