- Move crablike
- Move coyly
- Walk laterally
- Advance furtively
- Act crabby?
- Move like a crab
- Inch along laterally
- Move obliquely
- Move left-to-right
- Move edgewise
- Go laterally
- Move furtively
- Move laterally
- Move sideways
- Move carefully along the edge, maybe
- Slip along
- Make like some sneakers
- Move like a sneak
- Pass along sneakily
- Creep, perhaps
- Move along a wall, maybe
- Playground staple
- Move crabwise
- Inch furtively
- Make like a crab
- Edge along
- Proceed with stealth
- Creep like a crab
- Creep, crab-style
- Be crabby?
- Move sneakily
- Crab-like move
- Move stealthily
- Sneak by
- Furtive move
- Edge
- Sneak
- Negotiate a ledge, say
- Proceed obliquely
- Move crab-style
- Edge furtively
- Crab-walk
- Sneak, maybe
- Edge (past)
- Slink along
- Advance coyly
- Crawl like a crab
- Approach furtively
- Approach sneakily
- Move inconspicuously
- Advance laterally
- Advance sneakily
- Inch
- Furtive movement
- Move sidewise.
- Edge toward.
- Move internally.
- Move in furtive advance.
- Move as through a crowd.
- Go edgewise.
- Move in a certain manner.
- Advance obliquely.
- Walk crabwise.
- Edge forward.
- Move, in a way.
- Slip through a crowd
- Move in edgeways
- Edge through a crowd
- Advance tentatively
- Approach sideways
- Move cautiously
- Slink
- Go furtively
- Have one's back against the wall?
- Move somewhat furtively
- Not go directly
- Move like a 3-Down
- Proceed furtively
- Act like a crab?
- Move along a buffet line, perhaps
- Not approach directly
- Move through a crowd, maybe
- Move furtively, in a way
- Not proceed straightforwardly
- Walk like a crab
- Creep or inch
- Skulk
- Emulate a crab
- Sashay
- Inch like a crab
- Creep along, crab-style
- Move along like a crab
- Advance crabbily
- Crab's walk
- Move crabbily
- See 7 Down
- Move carefully
- Edge with up to
- Mosey along
- Edge in
- Inch along
- Gain ground unobtrusively
- Move like John Wayne
- Eyes : leer :: feet : ___
- Make a lateral move
- Creep, in a way