- Clipped
- Sheared
- De-fleeced
- Cut off
- De-wooled
- Fleeced
- Trimmed
- Clipped, as sheep
- Cut
- Trimmed of wool
- Relieved of wool
- Back from the barber
- Cut off, as wool
- Like sheep
- Newly wool-less
- Clipped, in a way
- Like sheep sans wool
- Free of wool
- Like Samson, thanks to Delilah
- Like clipped sheep
- Now fleeceless
- No longer woolly
- Woolless, as sheep
- Bereft of locks
- Bereft of fleece
- Free of fleece
- Clipped, as a sheep
- Crew-cut.
- Divested (of).
- Like a clipped sheep
- Having had a haircut.
- Shaved.
- Sans fleece.
- Tonsured.
- Companion of shaven.
- Partner of shaven.
- Shaven and ___.
- Deprived of, as power.
- Cropped.
- Like some sheep
- . . . all shaven and ___
- Wool-less
- Like Samson at the end
- Like some lambs
- Shaven
- Polled
- Like Samson, once
- Less woolly, perhaps
- Lacking its wool coat, as a sheep
- Unlocked?
- Lacking a coat, maybe
- Devoid of wool, now
- Like many a sheep
- Clipped, like Samson
- Like Samson, later
- Like many a cold sheep
- Naked, as a sheep
- No longer hairy
- Like trimmed sheep
- No longer long-haired
- Fleeced but good
- Shaven, as wool
- Been to a GI barber
- Had a Mohawk
- Well-clipped
- Like the weakened Samson
- Like many a cold 51-Down
- No longer sporting fleece
- Like the betrayed Samson
- Like some monks' heads
- Lacking locks
- Like sheep without fleeces
- Lacking a wool coat, perhaps
- No longer wearing a wool coat, say