- Crystal-ball users
- Crystal-ball gazers
- Oracles
- Psychic Friends employees?
- Ones in the futures market?
- Certain forecasters
- Prophetesses
- Prophets
- They deal in futures
- Fortune tellers
- They can tell you how it's going to end
- Tarot cards and crystal ball users
- They know what tomorrow brings
- Clairvoyants
- Those with visions
- Palmists, e.g.
- Forward thinkers
- Foretellers
- Future reporters
- Visionaries
- Reading offerers
- They have ESP
- Crystal-ball consulters
- They may take you to the ball
- Some stereotypically go by the title "Madame"
- They look forward to work
- Crystal ball users, e.g.
- Future viewers
- They make good prophets
- Crystal ball owners
- Tiresias and Nostradamus
- Crystal gazers
- Prediction makers
- Prognosticators
- Psychics
- Forward-looking group
- Futurists
- Palm readers
- Palmistry practitioners
- Certain card readers
- Foresightful folks
- Some card readers
- Clairvoyant ones
- <<NO CLUE>>
- Crystal globe gazers
- Wise guys?
- Soothsayers
- Psychic hot line operators
- Observers
- Tarot users
- Farsighted ones
- Ones looking ahead
- Tarot readers
- See 27-Across
- Some globe users
- Tea-leaf readers
- Eyewitnesses
- Omen interpreters
- Tea-leaves readers
- Crystal consulters
- Palm readers, e.g.
- Sibyls
- They do readings
- People with visions
- Ones with foresight
- Tarot card dealers
- People asked for readings
- Crystal ball readers
- Fortune hunters
- Know-it-befores
- Gazers into crystal balls
- Scryers.
- Spectators.
- Diviners.
- Wise men.
- Forecasters.
- People who look ahead.
- Seventh sons.
- Crystal-ball operators.
- Nostradamus and Swedenborg.
- They know the future.
- Elijah and others.
- Readers of the future.
- Wise ones.
- Haruspices.
- Men of vision.
- Predictors.
- Court advisers of ancient times.
- Viewers.
- Nostradamus, et al.
- Tea-leaf readers, for instance.
- Mopsus and others.
- Probers of tomorrow.
- Astrologers
- Intuitive ones
- Palmists
- Sages
- Vaticinators
- Mopsus et al.
- Onlookers
- Tarot-card experts
- Cassandras
- Forward-looking ones
- Nostradamus and others
- Vatic ones
- Melampus and Mopsus
- They have "prophetable" jobs
- Calchas and Mopsus
- News forecasters of a sort
- Swamis
- Prognostication is their vocation
- They have a sense re coming events
- Cryptesthesia experts
- Foresighted fellows
- What they project, you might expect
- Nestors
- Calchas and Mopsus, e.g.
- Cryptesthetic ones
- Cryptesthetic persons
- Daniel and Isaiah
- Men of ken
- Cryptesthetic people
- Astromancers
- Mopsus and Calchas
- Their work is prophet-able
- Mopsus and Melampus
- Chaldeans
- Future predictors
- Theoclymenus and others
- Mediums
- Advisers of old
- Mystics
- Ones making forecasts
- Future experts
- Ones watching the ball?
- Tea leaf readers, e.g.
- Ones picking up things?
- Ones with gifts who don't care about presents
- They may have a ball
- 27-Down users, e.g.
- Your future is their business
- Ball-bearing types?
- Tarot card readers, e.g.
- Ones dealing in futures?
- Dealers in futures?
- Good investor types, you'd think
- Ball handlers?
- Crystal ball gazers, e.g.
- Ones foretelling the future
- Ones who know what's coming?
- Third eye users
- Forward-looking sorts
- Ones skilled in divination
- Tarot interpreters
- Crystal-ballers
- People who deal in futures?
- People consulting crystal balls
- Nostradamus and Elijah
- Tiresias and Nostradamus, e.g.
- They have a ball at work?
- What crystal ball consulters are, supposedly
- Future visionaries?
- Lifeline readers
- Visitors of tomorrow?
- Tarot deck users
- 10 Down et al.
- Tea-leaf specialists
- Crystal ball owners, supposedly
- Ones picking things up?
- Nostradamus and others, supposedly
- They have great foresight
- Prescient sorts
- Purveyors of the future
- They are futuristic
- Readers of lifelines
- Prophetic people
- Futures dealers?
- Experts in noncurrent events?
- Fortune seekers?
- Reading group?
- Forward-looking folks
- Experts in futures
- Clairvoyant types