- Jeer
- Mock
- Expression of ridicule
- Derisive expression
- Deride
- Express contempt
- Ridicule
- Express mockery
- Deride, with "at"
- Jeer, with "at"
- Express doubt insolently
- Pooh-pooh
- Speak with a sneer
- Sneer
- Pooh-pooh, with "at"
- Speak derisively, and a hint to how this puzzle's long answers were created
- Sneer (at)
- Speak derisively
- Act the cynic
- Thumb one's nose (at)
- Sneeze (at)
- Mock (at)
- Show ridicule
- Show scorn
- Display doubt
- Betray disbelief
- Express derision
- Show skepticism
- Speak dismissively
- Jeer (at)
- Point the finger of scorn.
- Speak with mockery.
- Fleer.
- Flout.
- Gibe.
- Make fun of
- Show derision
- Show disdain
- Laugh (at)
- Knock, with "at"
- That's nothing!, for example
- Scorn
- Not treat seriously, with "at"
- Say "Oh, that was nothing," say
- Act the cynic, maybe
- Say "Yeah, right!," say
- Show disdain, in a way
- Express contemptuous doubt
- Express doubt
- That's nothing, e.g.
- Say "That's nothing!" e.g.
- Be a cynic
- Show contempt
- ___ at (mock)
- Jibe
- Poke fun with at
- Laugh at mockingly
- Laugh mockingly
- Turn up one's nose at
- Mocking laugh
- Demonstrate derision
- Laugh with contempt
- Say "As if!," say