- Who ___ (Selena Gomez song)
- That ____ it all!
- __ who?
- Vocalizes
- Alleges
- Chances to speak
- Verbalizes
- Simon ___
- That __ it all!
- Chimes in
- Gives voice to
- Simon follower
- States
- Survey ___...!
- Pipes up
- Utters
- Fills Simon's role
- Serves as Simon
- What Simon does
- Articulates
- Simon __
- Maintains
- Determines
- Word that often goes between a name and a comma
- Announces
- Emulates Simon
- Gives an opinion
- Recites, as prayers
- Blurts out
- Comes out with
- ___ who?
- Offers as an opinion
- Purports
- Puts into words
- Declares
- Makes known
- Opines
- Remarks
- Comments
- Voices
- Expresses
- Word before you or who
- Claims
- Indicates
- Speaks
- Survey __ ...: game show phrase
- Opines, for instance
- Simon __: kids' game
- Word before or after "who"
- Word with you or who
- Simon ____
- Recites
- Avers
- Brings up
- Expresses an idea
- Expresses orally
- With 3 Down, prohibits
- Mentions
- Puts forth
- Reports
- Frequent quote preceder
- Is known to have spoken
- Enunciates
- Has been known to remark
- Throws out
- Pronounces
- Speaks out.
- It ___ here . . .
- It ___ here . . .” nyt 1954 SAYS Declares. nyt 1954 SAYS Recites. nyt 1954 SAYS States. nyt 1954 SAYSO Dictum: Colloq. nyt 1954 SAYWHEN Host's hortatory remark. nyt 1954 SCAD A fish, the saurel. nyt 1954 SCAD Food fish. nyt 1954 SCAD Horse mackerel. nyt 1954 SCAD Saurel. nyt 1954 SCADS Oodles. nyt 1954 SCALA La ___, Milan opera. nyt 1954 SCALA La ___, opera house in Milan. nyt 1954 SCALAR Ladderlike. nyt 1954 SCALD Blanch, as almonds. nyt 1954 SCALE Balance. nyt 1954 SCALE Basis for a numerical system. nyt 1954 SCALE Dieter's mentor. nyt 1954 SCALE Pare down. nyt 1954 SCALED Climbed. nyt 1954 SCALENE Describing a triangle. nyt 1954 SCALES Symbol of the blindfolded goddess. nyt 1954 SCALLION Relative of a shallot. nyt 1954 SCALLOP Baking dish. nyt 1954 SCALPEL Order from Dr. Kildare. nyt 1954 SCALPS Hair bases. nyt 1954 SCALY Like a fish. nyt 1954 SCALY ___ anteater, a pangolin. nyt 1954 SCAMP Scapegrace. nyt 1954 SCAMPERED Skedaddled. nyt 1954 SCAN Glance over. nyt 1954 SCAN Recite metrically. nyt 1954 SCAN Survey. nyt 1954 SCANDAL Political party's nightmare. nyt 1954 SCANDINAVIAN Bohr or Borge. nyt 1954 SCANNED Examined with care. nyt 1954 SCANNER TV instrument. nyt 1954 SCANS Looks over. nyt 1954 SCANS Reads. nyt 1954 SCANT Not enough. nyt 1954 SCANT Not enough. nyt 1954 SCANTED Short-changed. nyt 1954 SCAP Ridgway's former title. nyt 1954 SCAP Ridgway's former title. nyt 1954 SCAPE Flower stalk. nyt 1954 SCAPE Leafless flower. nyt 1954 SCAPE Scenic view. nyt 1954 SCAPE Scenic view. nyt 1954 SCAPE Shaft of a column. nyt 1954 SCAR Battle mark. nyt 1954 SCAR Blemish. nyt 1954 SCAR Isolated rock projecting from the sea. nyt 1954 SCAR Mark of combat. nyt 1954 SCAR Melee memento. nyt 1954 SCAR Relic of battle. nyt 1954 SCAR Rocky place. nyt 1954 SCAR Seagirt rock. nyt 1954 SCARABS Class of Poe's Gold Bug."
- Repeats.
- Divulges.
- Asserts.
- Recipes.
- Tells.
- Proclaims.
- Communicates.
- Simon ___, popular game
- ___ you!
- ___ uncle (gives in)
- Word with Simon
- Simon ___ (children's game)
- Simon ___ (elimination game)
- Simon does it
- Word after Simon
- Discloses
- Word after "he" and "she"
- Hazards a guess
- Reveals
- With 12-Down, turns down
- Goes
- Who ___?
- Key word when writing dialogue
- See 37-Across
- Survey ___ ... ("Family Feud" catchphrase)
- Displays, as the time
- John Mayer "Who ___"
- Postulates
- Verb for Simon
- Simon _____
- Simon's verb
- Word with he or Simon
- Shows, as a watch
- States aloud
- Word with "he" or "she"
- Survey ___ ... ("Family Feud" phrase)
- Simon ___ (kid's game)
- What Simon does in a children's game
- Simon ___, fill in 66-Across!
- What Simon does, in a game
- Iterates
- Conveys verbally
- Chimes in with
- Survey ___ . . . (game show phrase)
- Word after "Simon" or "survey"
- Simon ___ . . . solve this crossword puzzle!
- ___ you! ("That's just one opinion!")
- Relates
- That ___ it all
- Opinions