- Toothy tools
- Buzz and chain
- Buzz and crosscut
- Cutting tools
- Cuts up
- Familiar sayings
- Does some lumbering
- Some are circular
- Old adages
- Bases for some long crossword answers
- Tired adages
- Tools with teeth
- Woodshop cutters
- Two by four cutters
- Some big fellers
- Cutters
- Cuts wood
- Wise old sayings
- Axioms, or axes' mates
- Old maxims
- Proverbs for carpenters?
- Carpentry tools
- Old 69-Acrosses
- Wood cutters
- Cuts logs
- Adages
- Lumbermill fixtures
- Toothy fellers?
- Pithy truths
- Proverbs
- Goes back and forth on?
- They may work on boards
- Sinks teeth into, in a way
- Cherry cutters
- Cuts one's teeth on
- Circular cutters
- Carpenter's tools
- Maxims
- Coping devices?
- Goes against the grain, perhaps
- Toothed tools
- Makes the cut?
- Lumberjacks' tools
- Familiar maxims
- Lumberyard tools
- Woodshop tools
- Lumber loppers
- Tools that leave a little dust
- What fellers may use
- Creates some dust
- Memorable sayings
- Tree-toppling tools
- Sayings
- Fiddles
- Toothy tools^SAW
- Tool shed items
- Carpenters' dust creators
- They may be circular
- Pithy sayings
- The starts of this puzzle's six longest answers are types of them
- Tree cutters
- Cuts, as logs
- Makes the cut, in a way
- Log cutters
- Words of wisdom
- Wise words
- Board-making aids
- Cuts
- Bits of wisdom
- Logging tools
- Tools that can be musical instruments
- Hand tools
- Tools that make the cut?
- Tree topplers
- Lumber mill array
- Old sayings
- Trims two-by-fours
- Fellers' needs
- Woodsman's needs
- Carpenters' needs
- Some power tools
- Wood-cutting tools
- Wood processors
- They may be coping
- Tools that leave dust
- Lumber cutters
- Carpentry tools with teeth
- Logging equipment
- Mill machines
- Lumberjack's cutters
- Lumber-cutting tools
- Timbersports tools
- Carpenters' cutters
- They need to go back and forth to work
- They go back and forth through trees
- Building tools.
- Occasional musical instruments.
- Tools.
- Apothegms.
- Pulls alternatively, as on reins: Colloq.
- Does carpentry work
- Works on lumber
- Buck and rip
- Bromides
- Magicians' equipment
- ___ wood (snores)
- Fiddles badly
- Hack and rip followers
- Some are clichés
- Cutting maxims?
- Processes lumber
- Aphorisms
- They go back and forth in the woods
- Trunk openers?
- Toothy ones
- They go back and forth to work
- What fellers need
- They can go into the grain
- Often-told truths
- They may be pulled in two directions
- Familiar truths
- Hardware store section
- They may be big fellers
- Tooth holders
- Fellers in the woods?
- Let sleeping dogs lie and others
- Coping mechanisms?
- Lumber mill equipment
- Props for some magic shows
- Dust-creating tools
- Mill devices
- Nuggets in "Poor Richard's Almanack"
- Parts of lumber mills
- Staples of "Poor Richard's Almanack"
- They might create divisions in the board
- Home Depot products
- Sage sayings
- Hard-toothed tools
- Tools for building treehouses
- Tools with jagged edges
- Toolshed hangers
- Fellers use them
- Emulates a lumberjack
- They have many teeth
- Condensed, memorable sayings
- Jig and band, for two
- Hack and rip
- Cuts corners, in a way
- Homely sayings
- Circular and crosscut
- This puzzle's theme
- Some toothed tools
- Some may be pulled in two directions
- Jig and band
- Does a carpenter's job
- Circular and hand
- Coping and circular tools
- Their teeth may be sharpened
- Cutting-edge tools?
- Tools that can be circular or linear
- Tools with a circular variety
- Cutting tools that can also be instruments
- Real cutups?
- Works with wood
- Tools sometimes used for making music
- Cuts off a limb
- What all good fellers need
- Circular and band
- Trite sayings
- Axioms
- Creates two-by-fours, say
- Fellers' tools
- Loggers' needs
- Lumberyard equipment
- Bone-cutting tools
- Log-cutting tools
- Logging need
- Musical group?
- 68 Across items
- Makeshift musical instruments
- Jacks' rippers?
- Lumberjacks' items
- They may make across-the-board cuts
- They have lots of teeth
- They make across-the-board cuts
- Shop collection
- *Carpenter's collection