- Relish
- Really enjoy
- Enjoy immensely
- Enjoy with relish
- Drink in
- Strong fragrance
- Stop to enjoy
- Let sink in
- Don't just gulp down
- Take time to enjoy
- Smack your lips over
- Delight in the taste of
- Enjoy, as a taste
- Enjoy, as food
- Sip slowly for taste
- Delight in
- Enjoy greatly
- Roll around on the tongue
- Taste
- Enjoy the taste of
- Dwell on with delight
- Take pleasure in
- Thoroughly enjoy
- Enjoy fully
- Enjoy
- Really appreciate
- Really enjoy, as food
- Eat with relish
- Enjoy deeply
- Take great pleasure in
- Relish the taste of
- Really relish
- Enjoy every bite of
- Appreciate
- Enjoy to the fullest
- Revel in
- Bask in
- Enjoy a lot
- Prolong, as delicious bites
- Enjoy eating
- Enjoy very much
- Enjoy much
- Spend time relishing
- Take in with pleasure
- Enjoy thoroughly
- Appreciate a good meal
- Eat up
- Luxuriate in
- Degust
- Taste and odor.
- Season.
- Appreciate discriminatingly.
- Special taste or quality.
- Goal of a good cook.
- Special quality.
- Enjoy with appreciation.
- Distinctive quality.
- Piquancy.
- Specific flavor.
- Gourmet's concern.
- Taste with pleasure
- Enjoy; relish
- Relish, as relish
- Zest
- Make last, maybe
- Not gobble, say
- Keep thinking about, as a victory
- Not just wolf down
- Enjoy in the moment
- Fully enjoy
- Enjoy completely
- Roll over the tongue
- Taste with delight
- Taste appreciatively
- Enjoy to the last drop
- Relish, as a victory
- Go "yum-m-m" over
- Enjoy every moment of
- Luxuriate in the experience of
- ___ the moment
- Truly enjoy
- Gourmandise
- Enjoy, as a gourmet would
- Enjoy every bit of
- Enjoy mindfully
- Relish, as food
- Appreciate completely
- Enjoy to the full