- Letter enc.
- RSVP enclosure
- Writer's enclosure
- RSVP facilitator
- Encl. with a mailed autograph request
- Enc. with a manuscript, perhaps
- Courtesy sent for replies: Abbr.
- Enc. when expecting a reply by mail
- Manuscript encl.
- Editor's request (abbr.)
- MS. enclosure
- Enc. accompanying an autograph request
- Enc. with a bill
- Ltr. encl.
- Paper utility bill enc.
- Utility encl.
- Wedding invitation encl.
- Snail mail enc.
- Enc. with a forever on it
- RSVP courtesy
- Envelope encl.
- Postpaid encl.
- Enclosure with a MS
- Convenient encl.
- It makes responding easier, for short
- One easily allows for a return, for short
- Request for a return, briefly
- Request for an autograph, maybe, briefly
- Return request: Abbr.
- An ed. expects one
- Freelancer's encl.
- Return mail requirement (abbr.)
- Ed.'s request, often
- Letter encl.
- Postpaid enc.
- Accompaniment for a ms.
- Encl. for a reply
- Freelancer's enc.
- Manuscript enc.
- Freelancer's insert, briefly
- Ltr. enclosure
- Enclosure to an ed.
- Business letter enc.
- Convenience for an ed.
- Ms. accompanier
- Cover letter accompaniment (abbr.)
- Request from an ed.
- Ed.'s request
- Enc. with a manuscript
- Enclosure returned by the P.O.
- Freelance submission encl.
- Prepaid encl.
- Author's encl.
- Inclusion with a ms.
- Enc. to an editor
- RSVP enclosure, often
- Correspondence courtesy, briefly
- Encl. with an author's submission
- Ticket order encl.
- Env. in an envelope
- Common ms. accompaniment
- Submission encl.
- Ms. insert
- Submission enc.
- Ready-to-mail item, briefly
- Ed.'s requirement
- Postage-paid enc.
- Freelancer's encl. (m)
- Invitation encl.
- Encl. with a manuscript
- Letter-bottom letters
- Ready-to-mail item: Abbr.
- Encl. with an autograph request
- Postage-paid encl.
- Fund drive appeal encl.
- Renewal notice feature, briefly
- Pollster's enc.
- Mailer in a mailer, briefly
- Enc. for a 32-Down
- Encl. with postage
- RSVP convenience
- Ltr. writer's courtesy
- Ms.-return need
- Requirement for ms. return
- Return container, for short
- Reply courtesy, briefly
- Ltr. inclusion
- Manuscript enclosure: Abbr.
- Business-letter encl.
- Epistolary courtesy: Abbr.
- It should guarantee a return: Abbr.
- Mail-in offer request: Abbr.
- Manuscript mailing enclosure: Abbr.
- Mail-enclosure courtesy: Abbr.
- Submission addition: Abbr.
- Epistolary courtesy
- MS accompaniment
- Postage-paid enclosure: Abbr.
- Env. enclosure
- Item with a MS.
- Enc. for a response
- International Reply Coupon rel.
- Postpaid enclosure: Abbr.
- Business-reply encl.
- Return-mail enc.
- Editor's request
- Sweepstakes rules abbr.
- Posting aid, briefly
- What typically arrives with an autograph request
- Convenience for RSVPing
- Postpaid envelope enclosure: Abbr.
- Postpaid letter enclosure: Abbr.
- Something sent to return
- What "encloses" the four longest answers
- Common RSVP enclosure
- Posting facilitator, for short
- Return-mail courtesy: Abbr.
- What an RSVP may come back in
- Incentive for a return
- Return mail enclosure
- Sort of 57 Across
- What should be sent with an autograph request
- What's often sent with an RSVP
- Letters returned to sender?
- It may come back to you: Abbr.
- It might contain a letter from the editor: Abbr.
- Rejected MS. container
- Spec sheet requirement
- Accompaniment for a submission to an ed.
- Certain encl.
- RSVP card accompanier
- It should come back to you after a while: Abbr.
- It's sent to an ed.
- MS. enc.
- Correspondence courtesy, for short
- Return-mail acronym
- Oft-required enc.
- Mailed encl.
- Correspondent's encl.
- Correspondence courtesy: Abbr.
- Correspondence courtesy inits.
- Return mailer: Abbr.
- Writer's Market abbr.
- Returned MS holder
- It has your name on it: Abbr.
- MS. inclusion
- Polite encl.
- It may accompany a MS.
- Mail convenience: Abbr.
- It may be used for many unhappy returns: Abbr.
- Response facilitator: Abbr.
- Encl. to facilitate a response
- A MS. might come back in it
- Aid in answering: Abbr.
- Ed.'s convenience
- Mailing courtesy, briefly
- Autograph collecting aid, for short
- It may have a row of 28-Down, briefly
- Junk mail encl., sometimes
- Return mailer, for short
- Slush pile item, for short
- Aid for an ed.
- Autograph collector's enclosure, for short
- Enclosure for a slush pile, for short
- It's often included with an R.S.V.P. card
- Onetime MS. accompanier
- Wedding invitation courtesy, briefly
- Wedding invitation enclosure, in brief
- Encl. with an autograph request letter
- Part of an author's submission: Abbr.
- RSVP encl.
- R.S.V.P. enclosure, perhaps
- Manuscript-submission enclosure, for short
- Common enc.
- Query encl.
- PO delivery
- MS attachment
- Enclosure for an ed.
- Reply requirement: abbr.
- Correspondence enc. notation
- Freq. enclosure
- Mss. accompaniment
- Reply req.
- Frequent publishers submission req.
- Return env.
- Frequent encl.
- It may hold a rejection slip, briefly
- Enc. for response
- Letter insert, briefly
- MSS enclosure
- Unsolicited ms. enclosure
- Inclusion with a manuscript (Abbr.)
- RSVP inclusion, often
- Encl. with an invoice
- Author's enc.
- Submitter's enc.
- Answering aid: Abbr.
- Item in a slush pile, for short
- It's sent with the ms.
- Manuscript enclosure, for short
- 28-Across for an RSVP
- Enclosure with a bus. ltr.