- Like most bar munchies
- Like the ocean
- Like some snacks
- Dehydrating, perhaps
- Like pretzels
- Coarse
- Brackish
- Full of four-letter words
- Like tears
- Ribald
- A bit indecent
- Coarse, as a joke
- Like many pretzels
- Overseasoned somehow
- Unlike fresh water
- ___ dog (vodka and grapefruit juice cocktail)
- Like bar snacks
- Like potato chips
- Like blue language
- Like teardrops
- Piquant
- Like many snacks
- Off-color
- Like most pickles and pretzels
- Off-color, as some language
- Mad
- Irritated, in modern parlance
- Like a seaman's humor
- Racy
- Risque
- Like many chips
- Like most chips in bowls
- Piquant, as wit
- Like many peanuts
- Like old sailors
- Like food that makes you thirsty
- Like the sea
- Like most chips
- Not fresh, in a way
- Like anchovies
- Thirst-inducing, like potato chips
- Like miso, typically
- Like much snack food
- Language description derived from sailors' chatter
- Like sea water
- Lippy
- Like some chips
- Snack category
- Like most pretzels
- Like beach air
- Like some peanuts
- Like seasoned pretzels
- How soy sauce tastes
- Made for bar snacks, most likely
- Made to encourage drinking
- How many like their popcorn
- Seasoned like pretzels
- Tasting like many pretzels
- Seasoned like bar snacks
- Thirst-inducing
- Full of cusswords
- Like soy sauce
- Maritime.
- Saline.
- Very nautical.
- Pungent.
- Pungent, as wit.
- Seasoned.
- Earthy.
- Like some wit
- Tersely witty
- Like caviar
- Like corned beef
- Like a tar's speech
- Smacking of the sea
- Coarse or caustic
- Piquant; caustic
- Witty and racy
- Provocative
- Like a pretzel
- More than brackish
- Slightly blue
- Like pretzels, typically
- Like ocean air
- Like sea air
- Like some sailors' language
- Like most potato chips
- Old sailor
- Dirty
- Crude
- Full of oaths
- Like sailors' talk
- Coarse, as language
- Like tears or sailors' language
- Full of curses, say
- Kind of language used by sailors
- Like the ocean and most potato chips
- Annoyed, in slang
- Like a margarita glass rim
- Like sailors' language, stereotypically
- Like some potato chips and language
- Like tears and some language
- Crude, as language
- Like some pretzels
- Resentful
- Come Along rockers ___ Dog
- Given to coarse language
- Upset, in slang
- Old sailor's demeanor?
- Pretzel adjective
- Like off-color humor
- Like many bar snacks
- Like pickles and pretzels
- Like someone who's annoyed and feeling bitter
- Like a buccaneer's tale
- Like brine
- Racy, as humor
- Like a seaman's humor, stereotypically
- Bawdy
- Like many a pretzel
- Like the deep blue sea
- Containing 1-Down
- Like cured meats
- Like miso paste
- Like some lassis
- Like namkeen lassi
- Like potato chips and seawater
- Like tarako and pretzels
- Off___color, in conversation
- Pacific--like
- Bitter about a loss, say
- Like locker room language
- Not appropriate for younger ears
- Unsuited for delicate ears