Other crossword clues for answer "SALAAM"
- Dar es __, Tanzania
- Greet the Sultan
- Obeisance
- Salute the sultan
- Arabic greeting
- Muslim greeting
- Peace in the Middle East?
- Deferential bow
- Peace in Palestine
- 47-Across' greeting
- Peace sign of a sort
- Bow of greeting
- Gaza greeting
- Low bow
- Muslim form of salutation
- Respectful bow
- Peace in the Mideast?
- Peace
- Ritual greeting
- Ritual bow
- Bow
- Arabic for "peace"
- Obeisant bow
- Deep bow
- Peace, in Arabic
- Reverential bow
- Islamic salutation
- Sultanate salutation
- Sheik's greeting
- Big bow
- Act of obeisance
- Koran salutation
- Arabic aloha
- Muslim's bow
- Arabic bow
- Greeting, Eastern style.
- Eastern salutation.
- A salutation meaning "peace.”
- Moslem obeisance.
- Ceremonial bow, with palm of right hand placed on the forehead.
- Pay homage.
- Oriental obeisance.
- Oriental greeting.
- Oriental salutation.
- Eastern bow.
- Ceremonial greeting.
- Respectful greeting.
- Eastern greeting
- Moslem greeting
- Salutation of a sort
- Eastern obeisance
- Moslem's greeting
- Greet the shogun
- Ceremonial bow
- Bow low
- Moslem salutation
- Long, deep bow
- Bow, Oriental style
- Greeting of respect
- Not just a little bow
- Peace in Saudi Arabia
- Bow respectfully
- Arabic "peace"
- Saudi salutation
- Low bow of respect
- Deep bow of respect
- Masjid greeting
- Bow of respect
- Respectful deep bow
- Respectful low bow
- Greeting in Giza
- Dar es _____
- Islamic greeting
- Arabic word meaning peace
- Peace salutation
- Greeting that's Arabic for "peace"
- Dar es ___, Tanzania
- Greeting with a bow
- Muslim salutation
- Punching the Air co-author Yusef
- Peaceful greeting
- Greeting that means "peace"
- Gesture of respect