- Hwys.
- Map rds.
- AAA recommendations
- 66 and 65 , briefly
- Interstate hwys.
- Jct. joiners
- Google Maps offerings: Abbr.
- Lines on an Uber app: Abbr.
- 1 and 66, famously: Abbr.
- Garbage collectors have them: Abbr.
- Hwys. with numbers
- Lines on an Uber app
- Rds. on a 1-Down
- Some GPS paths
- Some nos. on maps
- Strips: Abbr.
- TomTom suggestions: Abbr.
- Ways to go?: Abbr.
- Waze lines: Abbr.
- Delivery lines: Abbr.
- Lyft lines: Abbr.
- Hwy. lines
- Bus drivers have them: Abbr.
- Runkeeper lines: Abbr.
- Driving lanes: Abbr.
- Arteries: Abbr.
- 66 et al.
- Postal beats (abbr.)
- AAA suggestions
- AAA marked lines
- I-10, etc.
- Short ways to go?
- USPS assignments
- OnStar suggestions: abbr.
- Numbered rds.
- UAL service-map lines
- GPS options
- GPS recommendations
- Utah's are signed with a beehive symbol: Abbr.
- Some are labeled with a capital "I": Abbr.
- Things to deliver on: Abbr.
- 66 and others (abbr.)
- Short courses
- TripTik inclusions (abbr.)
- Motorist's choices (abbr.)
- Many postal workers have them (abbr.)
- 66, et al. (abbr.)
- Blvds., e.g.
- I-95 and others
- Paths for the mailman (abbr.)
- AAA offerings
- Blvds. and rds.
- Rds. with numbers
- St. and ave.
- They're numbered on maps (abbr.)
- U.S. 1 and I 95
- MapQuest requests (abbr.)
- Numbered hwys.
- Traveler's options (abbr.)
- Ways to get there (abbr.)
- Map abbrs.
- Parade paths (abbr.)
- AAA may provide them
- GPS plottings
- GPS suggestions
- Ways to go, for short
- They're comprised of rds. and hwys.
- Hgwys.
- GPS displays
- Hwys. and such
- AAA's concerns
- Waze ways: Abbr.
- AAA info
- Atlas abbreviations
- Rds.
- Short highways?
- Itinerary details: Abbr.
- 1 et al.: Abbr.
- 66 and I-5
- Map nos., often
- Traveler's option: Abbr.
- Ways: Abbr.
- 1 and 101: Abbr.
- Driver's options: Abbr.
- Suggestions from the AAA
- 1 and others: Abbr.
- Lines of passage: Abbr.
- Travel options: Abbr.
- They may be incl. with invitations
- Directions: Abbr.
- Info in AAA TripTiks
- US 101 and I-5
- GPS offerings
- MapQuest offerings: Abbr.
- US 101 & 66
- GPS output (h)
- Bus sched. info
- FedEx rounds, briefly
- GPS lines
- Bus sched. data
- Detours, e.g.: Abbr.
- GPS options: Abbr.
- Hwys. with nos.
- MapQuest data: Abbr.
- Some map nos.
- 38-Down and others: Abbr.
- GPS choices
- They usually involve turns: Abbr.
- GPS data
- GPS info
- Their nos. might appear on shields
- UPS driver's assignments
- 42-Across et al.
- Fwys., e.g.
- Highways: Abbr.
- Rd. map lines
- Lines on Google Maps: Abbr.
- Map app outputs: Abbr.
- Some GPS suggestions
- 66 and I-95
- Map lines: Abbr.
- Itineraries: Abbr.
- U.S. 1 and others
- US 66 and others
- 1 and 66: Abbr.
- County rds.
- Interstates: Abbr.
- Map nos.
- Traveler's paths: Abbr.
- AAA expertise
- Numbered roads: Abbr.
- They meet at jcts.
- Driving-directions listings: Abbr.
- GPS alternatives
- Numbered GPS lines
- Directions' details: Abbr.
- GPS calculations
- Ltr. carriers' responsibilities
- Some map lines: Abbr.
- GPS readings
- Many GPS lines
- Nos. on maps
- Nos. on road atlases
- Delivery pathways: Abbr.
- Maj. arteries
- PO itineraries
- USPS delivery rounds
- GPS paths
- Long ways, for short
- I-80 and U.S. 10, e.g.
- Tpks.
- Navigation system suggestions: Abbr.
- Travelers check them: Abbr.
- Highways with nos.
- Itinerary info: Abbr.
- They have nos.
- Road map array: Abbr.
- Long ways: Abbr.
- Paths to be taken: Abbr.
- Marked roads: Abbr.
- Road map abbreviations.
- Thoroughfares: Abbr.
- Road map items: Abbr.
- Turnpikes: Abbr.
- Motorist's concern: Abbr.
- Rds. and sts.
- 195 and 40
- Beats for P.O. couriers
- Map ltrs.
- Abbreviations on road maps.
- Aves.
- Paths: Abbr.
- Map abbreviations.
- Highway signs.
- Map entries.
- Cousins of pkys.
- Map listings.
- U.S. 1 and others: Abbr.
- Map notations: Abbr.
- H'ways
- Roads: Abbr.
- Rds. and hwys.
- U.S. 1, etc.
- 1 and 66
- 1, 66, etc.: Abbr.
- St., ave., etc.
- 1, 9, 66: Abbr.
- 66, 95, etc.
- 1 and 80, for short
- Mailmen's tours: Abbr.
- Sea lanes: Abbr.
- 1 and 66, e.g.
- 1, 9, 66, etc.
- U.S. 1 and U.S. 66
- Beats for p.o. men
- 1, 66 et al.
- A.A.A. concerns
- Ways to go, shortly
- Abbrs. on maps
- Itinerary abbr.
- U.S. 66 and I-95
- Abbrs. on some maps
- Kin of pkwys.
- Paths of trav.
- 1 and 95, e.g.
- Decisions at a P.O.
- I-95, etc.
- Lines on A.A.A. maps
- Road-map abbrs.
- Markings on an A.A.A. map
- Lines on an A.A.A. map
- P.O. circuits
- Road systs.
- P.O. decisions
- Fwys.
- Atlas lines: Abbr.
- Hwy. numbers
- Address nos.
- Itinerary segs.
- Map features: Abbr.
- Maps rds.
- Nos. in a travel guide
- 1 and 66, e.g.: Abbr.
- Mail carriers have them: Abbr.
- Nos. on a road map
- Parts of itineraries: Abbr.
- Tpkes.
- Mail delivery paths: Abbr.
- Paper deliverers have them: Abbr.
- Postal workers have them: Abbr.
- Triptik abbrs.
- I-80 et al.
- Mail carriers' paths: Abbr.
- P.O. employees have them
- Direction givers' suggestions: Abbr.
- Carriers' paths: Abbr.
- Many begin with I: Abbr.
- Post office chart: Abbr.
- Itinerary abbrs.
- U.S. hwys., e.g.
- A.A.A. recommendations: Abbr.
- Drivers' choices: Abbr.
- Travel plans: Abbr.
- A.A.A. options
- U.P.S. drivers have them
- Mail carriers' assignments: Abbr.
- Rounds: Abbr.
- G.P.S. output: Abbr.
- MapQuest suggestions: Abbr.
- Some are rural: Abbr.
- Sts. and rds.
- Google Maps might provide several of them: Abbr.
- Delivery drivers' assignments: Abbr.
- Delivery persons' assignments: Abbr.
- Itinerary parts: Abbr.
- Itinerary segments: Abbr.
- Lines: Abbr.
- GPS calculations: Abbr.
- GPS choices: Abbr.
- 72-Across and others: Abbr.
- GPS offerings: Abbr.
- GPS suggestions: Abbr.
- A.A.A. courses
- Shippers' plans: Abbr.
- 51-Down and others: Abbr.
- GPS recommendations: Abbr.
- U.P.S. driver assignments: Abbr.
- Shipping specifications: Abbr.
- Some P.O. plans
- They're marked on maps: Abbr.
- Some delivery drivers' plans: Abbr.
- Lines on a road map: Abbr.
- UPS drivers' assignments: Abbr.
- Waze suggestions: Abbr.
- Lines on a GPS
- Tpkes., e.g.
- Roads with nos.
- Short lines?
- Ways on Waze: Abbr.
- Hwys., e.g.
- Mail carriers' assignments, briefly
- 66 and others
- Country rds.
- USPS designations
- Some numbered rds.
- Hwy. nos.
- Postal beats, briefly
- 66 and 1, e.g.
- 66 and 1: abbr.
- 9W and 66 for short
- AAA advice
- Certain highways (Abbr.)
- Travel options, briefly
- AAA recommendations, perhaps
- Some AAA recommendations
- Traveler's options, briefly
- USPS delivery patterns
- 1 and 66, briefly
- Some highways with nos.
- They're on the map, briefly
- Some hwys.
- Garmin suggestions (Abbr.)
- Numbered highways (Abbr.)
- 1 & 101
- Big rds.
- U.S. 1 and 101
- Hwys. et al.
- Jct. components
- Short circuits?
- Ways with nos.
- GPS outputs
- Google Maps suggestions: Abbr.
- Major hwys.