- B&O, Reading, Pennsylvania, Short Line props.
- B&O, et al.
- Monopoly props.
- Santa Fe and others: Abbr.
- Trans-Siberian and others: abbr.
- Monopoly purchases: Abbr.
- Monopoly quartet: Abbr.
- There are four in Monopoly
- Monopoly has 4 (abbr.)
- Properties at the midpoints of the N, E, S, and W sides of Monopoly boards
- They have stops at stas.
- Props. on each side of the Monopoly board
- Quartet of Monopoly properties: Abbr.
- Reading et al. (abbr.)
- Lines to the suburbs: Abbr.
- Monopoly props. in the middle of each side
- Some lines that run parallel to planes: Abbr.
- They cover their tracks: Abbr.
- They're often on the right track: Abbr.
- Track runners: Abbr.
- Travelers to 9-Down: Abbr.
- The B&O, et al.
- Employers of dispatchers: Abbr.
- Reading, and others, in a certain board game: Abbr.
- Some Xing crossers
- They stop at 27-Across: Abbr.
- Reading, B&O, et al.
- Things with Xings
- Short Line et al.
- B&O, etc.
- Monopoly foursome: Abbr.
- Jay Gould concerns, briefly
- Many Jay Gould holdings: Abbr.
- Amtrak, et al.
- $200 Monopoly acquisitions: Abbr.
- Monopoly acquisitions (abbr.)
- Train cos.
- Els, e.g. (abbr.)
- Reading and others (abbr.)
- They have Xings
- B&O and C&O
- $200 Monopoly props.
- Central Pacific, Southern Pacific, and Union Pacific (abbr.)
- Monopoly buys, briefly
- Reading and the like (abbr.)
- Monopoly holdings (abbr.)
- B&O and others
- Penn Sta. traffic
- Short Line and Reading (abbr.)
- Commuters' choices (abbr.)
- B&O and Reading
- Four Monopoly props.
- Monopoly tetrad, briefly
- Commuting choices (abbr.)
- Four Monopoly properties (abbr.)
- Some Monopoly properties, for short
- Traffic at Penn Sta.
- Four properties on a Monopoly bd.
- Some Monopoly props.
- Transportation systems (abbr.)
- Short lines?
- A Monopoly board has four: abbr.
- Choo-choos
- Monopoly properties: Abbr.
- Four on a game board: Abbr.
- B and O et al.
- HO-scale sets
- Commuter lines on tracks: Abbr.
- B&O and Union Pacific
- Transp. systems
- Penn Sta. users
- Where to see some diners: Abbr.
- Monopoly buys: Abbr.
- Santa Fe et al.: Abbr.
- Cos. with ampersands, often
- Where to see some sleepers: Abbr.
- $200 Monopoly buys: Abbr.
- Tourist's options: Abbr.
- Travelers' options: Abbr.
- Amtrak and B&O, e.g.
- Cos. with Xings
- Training systs.
- Board game spots with nine sqs. between them
- Symmetrically placed Monopoly sqs.
- The 1906 Hepburn Act gave the ICC power to set rates for them
- Syst. of cars on tracks
- Commuting options: Abbr.
- Monopoly quartet, briefly
- AT&SF et al.
- Four Monopoly squares: Abbr.
- Transportation choices: Abbr.
- Train lines: Abbr.
- Vanderbilt acquisitions: Abbr.
- Cos. with locomotives
- Freight cos.
- Transp. lines
- Track lines: Abbr.
- Allegheny Valley and Arizona Central: Abbr.
- Train companies: Abbr.
- Transportation cos.
- $200 Monopoly purchases: Abbr.
- Lines with crossings: Abbr.
- Transport cos.
- Lines with Xings
- XING sites
- Some freight cos.
- Monopoly quartet, for short
- They keep track records: Abbr.
- People-moving cos.
- Competitive pair that finally got together in NW Utah
- They stop at Penn Sta.
- NYNH&H, Erie, etc.
- Transportation media: Abbr.
- They cost $200 each in Monopoly: Abbr.
- Pennsylvania and others: Abbr.
- Concern of Stanford and Vanderbilt: Abbr.
- Middle properties on the four sides of a Monopoly board: Abbr.
- They cost $200 in Monopoly: Abbr.
- They stop at Grand Central: Abbr.
- Penn., B & O, etc.
- Robert Young's interests: Abbr.
- Common carriers: Abbr.
- So. Pac., B&O, etc.
- Pennsy and Santa Fe.
- Rys.
- Erie, Lackawanna, etc.: Abbr.
- Transportation: Abbr.
- U. P. and S. P.
- New Haven and others: Abbr.
- Trains: Abbr.
- Traveler's choice: Abbr.
- N.Y.C. and others.
- Track services: Abbr.
- Commuters' choice: Abbr.
- Means of transportation: Abbr.
- Rails: Abbr.
- Certain carriers: Abbr.
- Transport systems: Abbr.
- Carriers: Abbr.
- Erie and Wabash: Abbr.
- Transport lines: Abbr.
- B. & O. and L. & N.
- Penn Central, etc.: Abbr.
- Modes of transit: Abbr.
- Pennsy et al.
- Chessie et al.: Abbr.
- Users of stas.
- N.Y. Central et al.
- Commuter lines: Abbr.
- B.&O. and PATH
- B.&O. and B.&M.L.
- Els, e.g.
- NKP, SAL et al.
- B.&O. and L.I.
- Some frt. carriers
- B.&O., C.&O. et al.
- L.I. and Penn Central
- Choo-choos: Abbr.
- Trans. lines
- Leland Stanford companies: Abbr.
- Monopoly landings: Abbr.
- Some utils.
- Southern Pacific and others: Abbr.
- B.&O. and Reading, e.g.: Abbr.
- Some Monopoly purchases: Abbr.
- Union Pacific et al.: Abbr.
- Subjects of interstate regulation: Abbr.
- $200 purchases: Abbr.
- Short Line and others: Abbr.
- Some Monopoly spaces: Abbr.
- Some are underground: Abbr.
- They have strong ties: Abbr.
- Where to find trainers?: Abbr.
- Monopoly grp.
- Some transp. stocks
- B. & O. and Reading: Abbr.
- Regulation targets for Theodore Roosevelt: Abbr.
- Traffic at Union Sta.
- Purview of the I.C.C.
- Some $200 Monopoly properties, in brief
- $200 Monopoly properties: Abbr.
- B&O and Short Line: Abbr.
- Four Monopoly assets: Abbr.
- Rock Island and Reading: Abbr.
- Yards are part of them: Abbr.
- Ones on the right track?: Abbr.
- Their lines have ties: Abbr.
- They make 39-Down: Abbr.
- Some Monopoly properties: Abbr.
- They have end-to-end cars: Abbr.
- Transportation lines: Abbr.
- B&O and Pennsylvania, in Monopoly
- Pennsylvania and Erie, once: Abbr.
- B&O and Pennsylvania: Abbr.
- Employers of dispatchers and brakemen: Abbr.
- Lines on some maps: Abbr.
- Monopoly game's B&O and Reading: Abbr.
- B&O and others: Abbr.
- Norfolk Southern and others: Abbr.
- $200 Monopoly properties, for short
- Monopoly properties you can't put houses on, in brief
- Monopoly properties that don't get hotels, for short
- Monopoly set, for short
- Monopoly board quartet: Abbr.
- Reading and B&O, e.g.
- Monopoly has four Abbr.:
- Lines to Penn Sta.
- Union Pacific and others: abbr.
- Western expansion facilitators: abbr.
- Central Pacific et al.
- Quartet in the standard version of 28-Down: Abbr.
- Reading and Pennsylvania: Abbr.
- Lines in an atlas: Abbr.
- $200 Monopoly properties, briefly
- B&O and Reading, for short
- Santa Fe and B&O: abbr.
- Erie and B&O
- Railroads: abbr.
- B&O and Union Pac.
- B&O and D&RGW
- Monopoly shrs.
- Santa Fe and Reading, e.g.
- $200 props.
- Alternatives to Aves. in Monopoly
- Monopoly buys, in brief
- Union Sta. traffic
- B. & O. and Reading, for example: Abbr.
- Lines in Penn Sta.
- They go through Xings
- They're interspersed with the aves. in Monopoly
- Neighbors of some Monopoly aves.
- Reading and Pennsylvania, e.g.: Abbr.
- They cross at Xings