% replaces any number of letters (la% - lake, lamp)_ replaces one letter (ca_ - car, cat)

Other crossword clues for answer "ROUTE"

Salesman's itinerary
Way to go
Map line
Google Maps offering
Google Maps option
66, e.g., famously
Mailman's beat
Map on a fun run website, e.g.
National park trail, e.g.
Google Maps line
Delivery itinerary
Selected course
MapQuest find
Delivery sequence
MapQuest suggestion
Trip planner's choice
Paperboy's itinerary
Send through channels
Auto club suggestion
Mail carrier's itinerary
Mail carrier's beat
Paperboy's path
66, for one
Path of travel
Bus beat
Busman's beat
Highway or byway
Line of travel
Postman's path
Navigator's suggestion
Bus driver's circuit
Cop's beat, e.g.
Bus driver's path
Itinerary detail
MapQuest quest
TripTik plotting
Letter carrier's beat
Mail carrier's assignment
Auto club's recommendation
Travel path
What a bus driver follows
MapQuest information
Navigator's concern
Paperboy's circuit
What Google Maps may calculate
Road to follow
AAA mapping
Series of turns
Auto club recommendation
Roads used to get there
Mail deliverer's path
Way to get there
Request while gassing up, maybe
MapQuest offering
Delivery assignment
GPS suggestion
Itinerary component
Travel plan
UPS driver's assignment
Waze recommendation
Waze suggestion
Beat, e.g.
Driver's choice
Google Maps suggestion
Maps app output
Soda salesperson's beat
Motorist's path
Postman's beat
Postal worker's beat
Trip itinerary
Itinerary info
The way to go
1 or 66
Map marking
Mapquest.com offering
Delivery truck assignment
It might be one-way
Traveler's course
Mail carrier's path
Navigation device's suggestion
Letter carrier's area
Traveler's path
Sales circuit
Bus driver's assignment
Mail carrier's circuit
Delivery truck's path
Path traveled
Course traveled.
Highway 66, for one.
A way with numbers?
Direct traffic.
Traveled way.
Boston Post Road, for instance.
Mailman's trek.
Milkman's rounds.
The R. F. D. man rides one.
Mailman's daily march.
Road to take.
Skyline Drive, for instance.
Itinerary item.
Job of delivering newspapers, etc.
Line on a road map.
U.S. highway.
Bold map line.
Postman's itinerary.
Traveler's way.
Motorist's course.
Oregon Trail, for example.
The usual road.
___ 66.
Driver's concern.
Newsboy's course.
U.S. 1 is one
Newsboy's concern.
Motorist's choice.
Road-map word
A.A.A. map marking
Go the ___ (persist)
Map listing
Postman's concern
Map out a way
Travel-agent's concern
Mailman's stint
Travel course
Chisholm Trail, e.g.
Khyber Pass is one
Thruway, e.g.
Way described in the "Anabasis"
A way to go
Postman's rounds
Paperboy's tour
Numbered road
Course of travel
Customary passage
Pass pattern, in football
Atlas line
Divert, in a way
72-Across recommendation
A deliveryman may have one
1 or 66, notably
Delivery person's beat
Paper deliverer's plan
Letter carrier's assignment
It may be polar
What a traveling salesman travels
Road trip plan
A FedEx driver may have one
See 30-Across
Maze answer
Way to get from point A to point B
Mail carrier's rounds
What a travel planner plans
Wide receiver's pattern
Deliverer's assignment
Mail deliverer's assignment
Up this street and down the next, perhaps
Paper deliverer's assignment
Delivery person's assignment
Direct, as a message
Driver's assignment
Old-fashioned newsboy's assignment
Road trip determination
___ 66 (classic highway)
Waze calculation
Waze way
Road trip path
Paper trail?
Bus line, e.g.
Highway, e.g.
Stones: "___ 66"
Chuck Berry "___ 66"
(Get Your Kicks on) ___ 66
Nat King Cole "___ 66"
With 33-Down, longest north-south road in the U.S.
G.P.S. unit's suggestion
Loman's territory
Mailman's territory
Paperboy's territory
Postal beat
66 is one
Word with newspaper or bus
Newspapers are tossed along it
Salesman's circuit
Unabbreviated version of 53-Across
66, famously
Way traveled
Preset path
Mail carrier's territory
I get my kicks on ___ 66
66, notably
Numbered highway
Navigation system's offering
Driver's plan
State highway
Direct along a path
Planned path
Set itinerary
Regular course
66 e.g.
AAA suggestion
Postal worker's path
Papers are tossed along it
Bus driver's itinerary
Bus map line
Mailman's assignment
Traveling salesman's plan
GPS recommendation
Every mailperson has one
USPS assignment
Google Maps recommendation
Postal worker's assignment
Delivery person's course
Map app suggestion
Path from point A to point B
Delivery line
Navigation recommendation
Alternate ___ (GPS suggestion)
Path from one place to another
Series of stops
MapQuest line
How to get there