- Gen. ___ E. Lee
- Gen. Lee
- Lee, for short
- Part of 52 Across's sig.
- ___ Morris (Declaration of Independence signature)
- Man's name signed without hesitation (4) [yes, I threw in a cryptic clue for fun]
- Part of RFK (abbr.)
- Gen. ____ E. Lee
- Lee, briefly
- Part of RFK, briefly
- Gen. Lee, briefly
- Gen. __ E. Lee
- Man's name: Abbr.
- Music Man Preston: Abbr.
- ___ E. Lee
- Burns or Lee: Abbr.
- Preston or Frost: abbr.
- With 125 Across, Civil War gen.
- ___ E. Lee: Abbr.
- ___ Morris, signature on the Declaration of Independence
- Gen. Lee, in brief
- Gen. Lee, for short
- Lee, e.g.
- ___ Burns Cigarillos (vintage smokes)
- ____ E. Lee
- Part of Founding Father Morris's signature