- Got better over time
- Got better with age
- Matured
- Came to maturity
- Became ready to pick
- Improved through aging
- Put in a brown paper bag, say
- Grew on the vine
- Aged
- Came to fruition
- Matured on the vine
- No longer green, perhaps
- Reached maturity
- No longer green
- Became edible
- Got sweeter, perhaps
- Changed from green to red, maybe
- Became mature.
- Came along nicely
- Brought to perfection.
- Cured, as cheese.
- Reached the plucking point
- Changed from green to red
- Matured, as fruit
- Turned yellow, say
- Got ready
- Got edible, say
- Aged on a tree
- Turned red, say?
- Approached peak flavor
- Got red, maybe