- Mature
- Become ready to pluck
- Turn edible
- Turn red, perhaps
- Age
- Come to fruition
- Mellow
- Turn red on the vine, say
- Get spicier, as a pepper
- Get ready for the apple store, perhaps?
- Get ready to eat?
- Get sweeter
- Lose greenness
- Become tastier, say
- Grow up
- Become harvestable
- Approach maturity
- Come of age
- Reach a good enough color, say
- Mature like a mango
- Turn red, as a tomato
- Become edible
- Turn from green to red
- Reach maturity
- Approach harvestability
- Approach peak flavor
- Get ready to be picked
- Become more mature
- Attain the right flavor
- Turn red, in some cases
- Mature, as fruit
- Mature on the vine
- Go from green to red, often
- Turn red, as tomatoes
- Go from green to red, perhaps
- Become less green, maybe
- Turn red, say
- Become ready to pick
- Get mellow
- Attain maturity
- Become ready to eat
- Grow to maturity
- Go green, maybe
- Achieve peak flavor
- Get mellower
- Become mature
- Turn red, maybe
- Become ready to harvest
- Approach perfection
- Become ready to reap
- Become edible, as fruit
- Mature on a vine
- Reach the peak of flavor
- Develop fully
- Maturate
- Change color, often
- Become more tasty
- Prepare.
- Perfect.
- Become ready for harvest.
- What apples do in September.
- Grow mellow.
- Bring to completeness.
- Bring to completion.
- Bring to perfection.
- Develop.
- Age, as cheese.
- Come to a peak.
- Become ready
- Come to maturity
- Bring to a peak
- Age or cure
- Flower
- Gain succulence
- Yellow, perhaps
- Turn color, maybe
- Turn red, as a strawberry
- Turn red or yellow, say
- Turn red, as an apple
- Soften, often
- Get fully ready
- React to mold, perhaps
- Gain maturity
- Grow red, say
- Become edible, as a fruit
- Turn yellow or red, say
- What avocados don't do until they're picked
- Change from green to red, maybe
- Get sweeter, say
- What flourishing careers do
- Grow mature
- What raw talent needs to do
- What burgeoning careers do
- Mature in the orchard
- Become sweet and juicy, say
- Age on the vine, maybe
- Continue to hang on the tree
- Bring to maturity
- Yellow or redden, perhaps
- Prepare to be eaten
- Become edible, in a way
- Mature, as a mango
- To mature, as fruit
- Bring to maturity, on the vine
- Turn yellow, as a banana
- Achieve peak juiciness
- Become less sour, say
- Become yellow, like a banana
- Sweeten on the vine
- Turn yellow, like a banana
- Become edible, e.g.
- Get red, perhaps
- Turn sweet and juicy
- Age on a vine
- Age on the vine
- React to mold, as cheese
- Reach peak flavor
- Mature, like fruit
- React to mold
- Develop on a vine, say
- Tum red or yellow, perhaps
- Reach perfection
- Go from green to red, say
- Change color, perhaps
- Brown, perhaps
- Redden, perhaps
- Become sweeter, perhaps
- Become red, maybe