- Do some price-fixing?
- Mark down, perhaps
- Get ready to advance on a sac fly, say
- Put a new price on
- Mark down, say
- Engage in price fixing?
- Label a new way
- Label anew
- Change the label
- Label once again
- Label differently
- Put a new label on
- Change the price on
- Put another label on
- Put on sale, perhaps
- Label again
- Put a new price on, say
- Indicate a price change
- Mark down for a sale, say
- Mark down, maybe
- Indicate a sale price for, perhaps
- Put another price on, say
- Give a new price, perhaps
- Attach a new label
- Lagel anew
- Change labels
- Change the price of
- Mark up, say
- Label over, as with a new price
- Prepare, as merchandise for a sale
- Put on sale, say
- Mark with a new price
- Slap a sale price on
- Mark with a sale price, say
- Attach a new label to
- Price twice
- Affix a new price on
- Discount, maybe
- Prepare for a sale, maybe
- Affix a new label to
- Make a price change, perhaps
- Alter in a shop, in a way
- Prepare for a sale, perhaps
- Attempt to move quickly, maybe
- Mark up or down
- Change, as a price label
- Make "it" again, in a game
- Affix a new price listing
- Change a label
- Put on a new label
- Touch base again
- Change the price
- Put the ball on a runner again
- Affix a "marked-down" label
- Place a new label on
- Change the prices
- Label for a sale
- Prepare to present a sale
- Mark sale prices
- Mark up or mark down
- Change prices, say
- Prepare for a sale, say
- Lower the price of, maybe
- Mark up, maybe
- Mark down, say, as a sale item
- Alter in a clothing store?
- Change the price on at the store
- Hike the price of, perhaps
- Mark down, say, at a store
- Mark up or down, say
- Change in a clothing store, in a way
- Adjust the price on
- ID anew, as on Facebook
- Put a different label on
- Mark an item as discounted, say
- Lower the price
- Mark again, but with sale prices
- Change prices for a sale, e.g.
- Change a price label
- Ticket again
- Put the glove back on the runner's leg
- Price fix?
- Apply a new price to, say
- Put a new price on, maybe
- Change a price, maybe