- ___ justice (intersectional bodily autonomy movement spearheaded by the SisterSong Collective)
- Copy of a sort
- Copy, for short
- Copy or duplicate
- Printer's proof
- Dupe
- Glossy proof
- Copy, casually
- Printer's proof, for short
- Art print
- Copy, in short
- Publishable copy
- Facsimile
- It's run off, casually
- Unoriginal item, for short?
- Office copy, commonly
- Copy, briefly
- Printing copy
- New "antique"
- Art poster, usually
- Not an original, to a dealer
- Magazine proof, for short
- Kind of proof for short
- It's not an original
- Camera-ready page
- Duplicate, briefly
- Short copy?
- Brief copy?
- Photocopy, for short
- Duplication
- Copy
- Duplicate, for short
- Copy, in brief
- Facsimile, for short
- Printer's proof, briefly
- Printer's glossy proof
- Glossy proof, for short
- Not an original
- Xerox copy, for short
- Printing proof
- Magazine proof
- Not an original, informally
- It's not an original, for short
- ___ rights (feminist shorthand)
- ___ rights (abortion access, affordable birth control, and the like, for short)
- ___ rights (movement concerned with contraception access, for short)
- Printer's copy, briefly
- Duplication, briefly
- Printing copy, briefly
- Printing proof, briefly
- Camera-ready copy
- Glossy paper proof
- Ad's first proof
- Office copy
- Copy, cut
- Orig.? No.
- Duplicate, in brief
- Magazine proof, e.g., briefly
- Type of proof
- Duplicate copy
- Printer's proof, in short
- Magazine proof, briefly
- It's not an orig.
- Glossy copy
- Camera-ready text
- Paste-up piece
- Proof for a printer
- Piece for paste-up
- Paste-up proof
- Copy for paste-up
- Printer's piece for paste-up
- Proof for paste-up