- Even the score
- Make good on a chit
- Make good on a debt
- Get even
- Clear, as a debt
- Settle a debt
- Give back later
- Return the favor, say
- Settle accounts with
- Settle
- Compensate
- Square things with
- Show thanks for, in a way
- Square
- Get out of debt
- Satisfy, as a debt
- Return, as a favor
- Settle a marker
- Settle, as a loan
- Discharge a debt with
- Retrieve a marker
- Get even with
- Give back, or get back (for)
- Settle, as a debt
- Give in kind
- Make good
- Settle up with
- Satisfy, as a loan
- Make good on
- Honor a favor
- Square things
- Give back
- Terminate a debt
- Satisfy, as a mortgage
- Settle up
- Clear a debt
- Make good on a loan
- Satisfy a mortgage
- Settle a loan
- Discharge, as a debt
- Discharge, as debts
- Settle accounts
- Settle a debt with
- Fulfill financially
- Settle with
- Make good on, as a loan
- Give money back to
- Indemnify
- Don't default on, as a loan
- Make restitution.
- Requite.
- Honor a debt.
- Recompense.
- Make some return for.
- Square accounts.
- Remunerate
- Return
- Wreak vengeance
- Give back capital
- What avengers do
- Satisfy a loan
- Maintain one's credit rating?
- Satisfy a debt
- Return the favor
- Make it up to
- Service, as debt
- Settle, in a way
- Clear, as a loan
- Compensate for loss
- Give back to
- Square up with
- Make good on, as a debt
- Give back, in a way
- Make amends, in a way
- Pay back
- Honor a loan
- Catch up on one's debt
- Best way to maintain one's credit rating
- Clean up a debt
- Satisfy an obligation
- Clear the debt
- Satisfy the debt
- Give back, as money
- Return in kind
- How can I ever ___ you?
- Return money to
- Get even, in a way