- Diamond stat
- Box-score stat
- Slugger's stat
- One of four in a grand slam
- Sac-fly result
- A solo homer yields one: abbr.
- A HR produces at least one
- Stat for 52-Down
- Sac fly stat
- Stat not counted if there's an error during the play
- ___ Baseball (classic NES game)
- Nat stat
- You get one for bringing someone home: Abbr.
- Giancarlo Stanton had the first one of the 2020 MLB season
- One of 2,297 for Hank Aaron
- DH's stat
- Sosa stat
- Stat for 68 Down
- A drive might increase it: Abbr.
- A single might get you one: Abbr.
- An Angel might get one: Abbr.
- Baseball stat first tracked by the Buffalo Bisons
- Bloop single's outcome, at times
- One of A-Rod's 1893, for short
- One of Ryan Howard's 864
- Result of a fielder's choice, maybe
- Sacrifice fly stat.
- Scoring play, for short
- Triple Crown part
- Triple crown stat
- Walk-off result, at least
- A sac fly earns one
- It can drive you home
- It can bring somebody home: Abbr.
- A Pirate might get one: Abbr.
- Brewer's no.
- Royal stat.
- Stat for a clean-up hitter
- Stat with a moon shots
- Stat for a Guardian
- Baseball stat
- One of many for Yaz
- Stat for 7 Across
- Slugging stat.
- No. for a batter
- Plate stat.
- Stat for a DH
- Stat for Aaron
- Stat for swingers
- DH's achievement
- Stat for Papi
- Bat stat.
- Cleanup stat.
- Baseball card abbr.
- Topps-card stat.
- One of Aaron's 2,297
- Poss. result of a sacrifice
- One of Albert Pujols's many
- Cleanup hitter's stat.
- Hitting stat.
- Diamond stat, briefly
- Driving-home stat
- Squeeze-bunt result: Abbr.
- Baseball Triple Crown stat
- A bases-loaded walk, ironically, is still credited as one
- It's impossible to get more than four at a time
- Swinging success, perhaps
- It's impossible to get more than four at once: Abbr.
- Stat that's generally low for pitchers nowadays
- One of four in a slam
- You can't get more than one on a walk
- Benefit of taking a walk, sometimes
- Double outcome, possibly
- Quartet for a slam
- One may come from a sac
- One may result from a fielder's choice
- At bat stat
- Slugging meas.
- Abbr. seen on baseball cards
- One of Hank Aaron's 2297
- Stat on some baseball cards
- Suicide-squeeze stat
- Baseball card stat
- Stat for "Big Mac"
- Stat for Griffey
- Stat for a slugger
- Batter's stat
- Stat for Sosa
- A sac fly results in one
- Good result from a squeeze play, briefly
- Score-producing stat
- Trading card stat
- Bonds stat
- Scoring stat
- Diamond stat (abbr.)
- Result of a sac fly
- Sabermetrics stat
- Triple Crown component (abbr.)
- Frequent result of a sac fly
- Hitter's accomplishment (abbr.)
- Single result, possibly (abbr,)
- Stat for an Oakland A
- Ballpark fig.
- Baseball hitting stat.
- MLB statistic
- Baseball slugger's stat
- Bases-loaded walk result (abbr.)
- Card or Yank stat
- Possible outcome of a blooper, briefly
- Baseball card info
- DH stat
- One of 1,695 for 63-Down
- Softball stat (abbr.)
- Stat for Barry Bonds
- Success at the plate, briefly
- It's awarded for getting someone home (abbr.)
- Sac fly result, often
- Typical homecoming outcome, for short?
- Result of a bases-loaded walk, for short
- Stat for Ichiro
- A solo homer earns you one
- Mariner's stat
- ___ Baseball (arcade game with a 2014 update)
- You get one for helping somebody score
- Stat that's high for power hitters in baseball
- Stat for a Nat
- Stat for 81 Across
- Hitter's stat
- Score-raising stat
- Batting stat
- One of B. Ruth's 2,213
- Productive stat
- Baseball score-producing stat
- Offensive baseball stat
- One of Hack Wilson's record-setting 191 in 1930
- One of L. Gehrig's 1,995
- Stat for A-Rod
- Squeeze play stat
- Stat for a sacrifice fly
- Homer consequence
- Squeeze bunt stat
- Stat for Ryan Howard
- A single might get you one
- Good squeeze result, for short
- HR consequence
- Stat for 30-Down
- Bases-loaded walk stat
- Walkoff hit stat
- You usually don't get one when you ground into a DP
- Bryce Harper stat
- Cred for bringing someone home
- Homer stat
- Stat for Miguel Cabrera
- You can only get one if you're near home, briefly
- Cody Bellinger stat
- Home run stat
- Stat for the 45-Down
- Cooperstown stat
- MLB stat
- Power hitter's 46-Across
- Stat in softball
- Solo homer result
- World Series stat
- Slugger's stat: Abbr.
- Box-score entry
- Driving-home reward
- Official scorer decision
- Box-score column heading
- Stat for a hitter
- Ballpark stat
- Sacrifice result, perhaps
- Diamond datum
- Driving-home result
- Box-score column
- Box score abbr.
- Box-score column header
- Pinch hitter's hope
- Sports page stat
- Baseball card letters
- Frequent sac-fly result
- MLB number
- Batter's stat, for short
- One of 2,000+ for 30 Across
- Slugger's stat, for short
- Hitter's stat: Abbr.
- One of four for a grand slam HR
- Crossing-the-plate stat
- Homer hitter's stat.
- Scoring play stat
- MLB Triple Crown stat
- Baseball slugger's stat: Abbr.
- Pinch hitter's aim
- Pinch hitter's quest
- Pinch hitter's success
- Plate-crossing stat
- MLB box score heading
- Jeter stat
- Result of a sac fly, often
- A solo HR earns one
- Fielder's choice result, perhaps
- Result of a good squeeze: Abbr.
- What you get for driving someone home: Abbr.
- Result of a bases-loaded BB
- Subj. of Rule 10.04 in baseball
- A round-tripper earns at least one: Abbr.
- Offensive stat
- One of 1,000 for Darryl Strawberry
- What a triple with one on gets you: Abbr.
- A double might get you one
- A solo shot gets you one: Abbr.
- DH's goal, often
- It's earned for bringing someone home: Abbr.
- One of 1,111 for Fred Lynn
- Rarity for an A.L. pitcher
- Result of a blooper, maybe: Abbr.
- Solo HR result
- Stat for Staub
- You can't get one if you ground into a DP
- Good thing for a DH to get
- Result of a fruitful plate appearance in the Grapefruit League: Abbr.
- Texas leaguer result, perhaps
- Part of baseball box score.
- Runs batted in.
- A grand-slammer counts 4.
- Baseball figure.
- Baseball statistic.
- Column on a baseball score.
- Abbreviation in baseball.
- Baseball abbreviation.
- Category in baseball statistics.
- Baseball tally: Colloq.
- Abbreviation used in baseball.
- Baseball player's record.
- Baseball item.
- Diamond abbreviation.
- Baseball category.
- Batter's concern.
- Figure in batter's record.
- Baseball term.
- Initials in baseball.
- Sports page initials.
- Slugger's statistics.
- Yastrzemski's concern.
- Baseball data: Abbr.
- Baseball scoring initials.
- Baseball statistic: Abbr.
- Hitting record: Abbr.
- Box-score initials
- Baseball abbr.
- Batter's abbr.
- Hitting stats
- Scoring initials
- Boxscore reading
- Relative of E.R.A.
- Brett stat.
- Stat for Boggs
- Stat. for Mattingly
- Diamond abbr.
- Abbr. of interest to Tony Perez
- Sports page abbr.
- Statistic for Yaz or DiMag
- Box-score col.
- Perez stat.
- Stat. for George Foster
- Stat. for Kingman
- Heading in a slugger's rec.
- Stat for Strawberry
- Stat for Hojo
- Stat for Ruth
- Stat for Bonilla
- Stat for Canseco
- Stat for Cecil Fielder
- Baseball hitter's stat
- Hank Aaron stat
- Quick score in baseball
- Ruth stat.
- Stat for Yastrzemski
- Ken Griffey Jr. stat.
- Diamond letters
- Result of a squeeze, for short
- Stat for 5-Across
- DiMaggio stat
- Possible result of a sacrifice
- Result of a productive 21-Across
- Suicide squeeze result, maybe
- Stat for 31-Down
- Abbr. on a baseball card
- Barry Bonds stat
- Fig. on a baseball card
- Stat for Jeff Bagwell
- Result of a certain sacrifice, for short
- Scoring play: Abbr.
- An Indian might get one: Abbr.
- Credit for driving people home?: Abbr.
- Stat for Sammy Sosa
- Box score no.
- Category in baseball's Triple Crown: Abbr.
- Goal for a D.H.
- Suicide squeeze result, for short
- Swinger's stat
- Big stat for Manny Ramirez
- Category in which the single-season record is 191
- One of four in a grand slam: Abbr.
- Result of bringing someone home, for short
- A single may get you one, briefly
- One hit might result in it, for short
- One-third of baseball's Triple Crown, for short
- Stat for 35-Down
- Baseball card fig.
- Notable stat for 40-Across
- Safety squeeze result, for short
- Abbr. on a Topps card
- What you get for bringing someone home
- Column in a box score
- Hit bonus, for short
- One of Aaron's 86 in '68
- Result of a bases-loaded walk, briefly
- Result of a squeeze, briefly
- You get one for a sac fly
- One of 2,297 for Hank Aaron, in brief
- Result of a clutch hit, maybe, for short
- Reward for a big hit, say
- Clutch hitter's stat
- Stat for A-Rod or Hammerin' Hank
- Stat for David Ortiz
- Stat for Lou Gehrig or Manny Ramirez
- Effect of a sac fly
- Letters before single, double or triple
- One of four for a grand slam, in brief
- Result of a successful squeeze bunt, for short
- Box score inits.
- One of four for a grand slam, for short
- Stat for cleanup hitters
- Stat for which Hank Aaron holds the all-time record
- Baseball hitter's stat, for short
- One of the components of an M.L.B. Triple Crown
- Result, maybe, in brief
- 1 of 2,297 for Hank Aaron
- One of 2,297 for Hank Aaron, for short
- Softball stat
- 19-Down for a cleanup hitter
- Metric for a Met, for short
- One of a record 2,297 for Hank Aaron
- One of a record 2,297 for Hank Aaron, for short
- Hitter's stat, for short
- One of four for a grand slam
- Stat whose utility is questioned by Sabermetricians
- Stat based on plate performance
- Stat for Prince Fielder
- Shea stat
- Citi Field stat
- Fenway stat
- Softball hitter's stat, for short
- Softball slugger's stat
- Piazza numbers
- A solo shot is one
- Ballpark figure
- Result of a smash hit?
- Reward for a hit, maybe
- Sacrifice fly result, often
- Batter's achievement
- Reward for a sacrifice, sometimes
- Slugger's pride
- Result of a solo HR
- A dinger is at least one
- Albert Pujols stat
- Javier Baez stat
- One of Hank Aaron's record 2,297: Abbr.
- Solo homer stat
- Abbr. within "home run derbies"
- One of 2,297 for Hank Aaron: Abbr.
- One of 58-Across' record 2,297: Abbr.
- Official baseball stat since 1920
- Stat for Aaron Judge
- Stat. for Jordan
- Stat for Ken Griffey Jr.
- Stat for Musial
- Belle stat
- Box score abbreviation
- Sports stat
- Stat for Chipper Jones
- A homer provides at least one
- Single outcome, maybe
- Batting success
- Result of driving someone home?
- Sacrifice-fly result, sometimes
- Stat for 4-Down
- Stat for Manny Ramirez
- Baseball stat (Abbr.)
- Batter's credit, briefly
- Josh Hamilton stat
- League-leading stat for a cleanup hitter, perhaps
- Result of a sac fly in softball
- Stat governed by MLB Rule 9.04
- Baseball stat sometimes pronounced "ribeye"
- Jocelyn Alo stat
- Griffey Jr. stat
- Results of some 62 Down: abbr.
- A comebacker will rarely get you one: Abbr.
- Softball scoring stat
- L.A. Dodgers stat
- Stat for Shohei Ohtani
- Stat for Juan Gonzalez
- A solo dinger counts for one
- Poss. hit result
- Cleanup hitter's goal
- Home-coming stat?
- A solo HR gets one
- Credit for a bases-loaded walk, for short
- Potential result of a double: Abbr.
- Squeeze result, possibly
- A solo HR earns a batter one
- Result of bringing someone home
- What you get when you drive someone home, for short
- DH goal
- Home-coming result?
- Stat for an MLB slugger