- Calculates the value
- Has status
- MPH and RPM, for example
- Freelancer's quotes
- Bank posting
- Freelancer's figures
- Hotel prices
- Garage postings
- Numbers critically
- Traveler's inquiry
- Deserves notice
- Is prestigious
- Is worthy of
- Figures of interest
- Hotel figures
- Lending figures
- Priceline data
- Fixed charges
- Evaluates
- Insurance-ad numbers
- They may be daily or hourly
- Loan officer's offerings
- Speeds, e.g.
- Can't take one's eyes off something
- Gives a five, maybe
- Parts of some hotel ads
- Gives a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down, say
- Hourly wages, e.g.
- Judges value
- Rent-a-car quotes
- Assesses the value of
- Assesses
- Merits
- Amounts charged
- Hotel quotes
- Motel posting
- Gives stars to
- Mortgage seeker's concern
- Mortgage percentages
- Grades
- Charges
- Fixed fees
- Hourly charges
- Prices
- Daily charges
- Places a value on
- Hotel postings
- Is deserving of
- Motel figures
- Gives four stars to, say
- Borrower's concern
- Costs
- Lenders' charges
- Interest percentages
- Postal postings
- Rent-a-car charges, e.g.
- 40-Across postings
- Inn postings
- Motel postings
- Utility company listing
- What prospective borrowers compare
- Fed settings
- Hotels.com quotes
- Expedia search results
- Hotel-door posting
- Is good enough for
- Is valued
- Works for the MPAA
- Interest figures
- Scolds
- Back-of-door posting
- Card info
- Fees
- Bank-ad table
- Hotel posting
- They may be going
- Numbers on a hotel door
- Earns
- Emulates Ebert
- Price quote
- Is worthy
- 11 Across postings
- Appraises
- Mortgage figures
- Premiums
- Hotel-room fees
- Numbers of interest
- Parking lot posting
- Puts a grade on
- MarketWatch stats
- Fee schedule
- Utility post?
- Deserves
- Sizes up
- Assigns stars to
- Is important enough for
- Deems to be
- Has earned special treatment
- Has standing
- Fee schedule listing
- Taxes, in England.
- Relative grades.
- Scolds vehemently.
- Charges for gas, water, etc.
- Classifies.
- Has a certain standing.
- Has value.
- Inflation's early risers.
- Chides.
- Price schedule.
- Computes.
- Ranks.
- Resort prices.
- Considers.
- Classes.
- Deserves: Colloq.
- Hotel charges.
- Is entitled to: Colloq.
- Price scale.
- Values.
- Concern of I.C.C.
- Certain figures.
- Proportional charges.
- Upbraids.
- Has a good standing
- Has it made
- Holds esteem
- Ranks well
- Estimates
- Innkeepers' postings
- Gives an R or X
- Is of consequence
- Price list
- Hotel clerks' concerns
- Rebukes
- Info supplied by 116 Across
- I.C.C. concern
- Prices for hotel rooms
- Tariff specifics
- Stands well
- Is acceptable
- Judges
- Motel quote
- Concern of the I.C.C.
- Has rank
- These need deflating
- Counts
- Quantifies
- Proportions
- Mortgage matter
- Parking lot postings
- Property taxes in London
- Shipper's posting
- Advertising figures
- A dime a minute, and others
- Hotel quote
- Hotel listing
- Hotel room listing
- Taxi posting
- Hotel room posting
- $25/hour and the like
- Gets special attention
- Phone company offers
- Assigns stars to, say
- Gives stars to, say
- They may be fixed
- $40/hour and others
- Deserves V.I.P. treatment
- Figures posted on taxi doors
- $15/hour and others
- Insurance or tax figures
- Bank statistics
- See 1-Down
- Gives a grade to
- Per-unit costs
- See 29-Down
- Critic does it to album
- Gives two thumbs up to, e.g.
- Uses a scale
- Parking-garage postings
- Taxi figures
- Gives five stars, say
- Hourly figures, perhaps
- Assigns a number to
- Information on a hotel's Web site
- Is important
- Puts a value on
- Figures in a hotel
- Motel listing
- Assigns a value between one and 10, say
- Pricing figures
- Shipper's postings
- Taxis list them
- A dime a minute, etc.
- Insurance numbers
- Uses a scale from one to 10
- Things posted in inns, sometimes
- Four Seasons info
- Mortgage lender's info
- Does a critic's job
- Gives a PG-13 to, say
- Loan interest figures
- Prices that are set
- Reviews on Yelp
- Travel agent's figures
- Enjoys popularity
- Assays
- Fixed prices
- Awards a 10
- Tax percentages
- Assesses value
- British tax
- Tempos
- Hotel room notice
- Utility charges
- Uses a scale from 1 to 10
- Hotel website data
- Cellphone plan figures
- Hotel website postings
- Freelance artists' figures
- Interest calculation inputs
- Consultant's quotes
- Prices that are raised with high demand
- Lender's listing
- Post office posting
- Parking garage posting
- Awards movie stars
- Figures outside a parking garage
- Gives a number