- Do some roughhousing
- Go to the mat, in some parts
- Do some roughhousin'
- Engage in horseplay
- Fight, hillbilly-style
- Git into a scuffle
- Grapple with a varmint
- Fight a b'ar
- Go to the mat, to a backwoodsman
- Have a bout with a b'ar
- Fight, Dogpatch-style
- Rural fight
- Fight, in the backwoods
- Git down an' dirty?
- Scrap, in the sticks
- Have a fight agin
- Mix it up, in Dogpatch
- Go to the mat, slangily
- Grapple with, slangily
- Fight a b'ar, maybe
- Fight in the boonies
- Contend, colloquially
- Git down and dirty
- Grapple with, in the bayou
- Grapple with, in the sticks
- Fight in Dogpatch
- Fight in the sticks
- Brawl in the sticks
- Fight like sticks figures?
- React to fightin' words, maybe
- Fight like a country kid
- Roughhouse
- Fight, colloquially
- Go at it, so to speak
- Go to the mat, informally
- Come to grips, in the backwoods
- Go to the mat, in the backwoods
- Scrap, in the backwoods
- Go the mat, nonstandardly
- Do some grapplin'
- Grapple, in the backwoods
- Have a brawl, in rural slang
- Verb like "tussle"
- Come to grips, so to speak
- Go at it casually
- Grapple, in dialect
- Get down and dirty with
- Scrap
- Throw down, at a hoedown
- Grapple with, in dialect
- Grapple: Dial.
- Come to grips with: Colloq.
- Engage in a certain sport: Dial.
- Indulge in horseplay
- Fight (with) down and dirty
- Grapple (with), colloquially
- Mix it up on the mat
- Git into a rough-and-tumble
- Take on, in dialect
- Tangle (with), in the country
- Fight down 'n' dirty
- Fight down and dirty
- Contend (with), in the country
- Have a backwoods brawl
- Brawl in the backwoods
- Get down and dirty, in dialect
- Fight on a mat, in dialect
- Do some down-and-dirty fighting
- Scrap, slangily
- Get into it, rustically
- Go to the mat, in dialect
- Horse around, colloquially
- Scrap, colloquially
- Fight, in dialect
- Grapple, to Li'l Abner
- Go to the mat, Dogpatch style
- Grapple, rural-style
- Go to the mat, hillbilly style
- Go to the mat, to a rube
- Tangle with, country-style
- Compete in a ring, colloquially
- Fight on a mat, informally
- What grunt-and- groaners do
- Mix it up, slangily
- Grapple, in the sticks
- Mix it up
- Fight in the woods