- Babbled and babbled
- Went along seemingly endlessly
- Talked and talked and talked ...
- Went uninterrupted
- Just kept going and going and going and going and going
- Went over time
- Just. Wouldn't. End.
- Kept going (and going)
- Wouldn't shut up
- Went long
- Exceeded the time limit
- Rambled
- Filibustered, maybe
- Talked incessantly
- Yakked away
- Didn't stop
- Babbled
- Wouldn't stop talking
- Kept going and going and going...
- Continued nonstop
- Prated
- Spoke endlessly
- Nattered ad nauseam
- Talked and talked
- Talked too long
- Babbled ad nauseam
- Nattered away
- Continued for lines and lines and lines . . .
- Continued without a break
- Talked endlessly
- Yakked and yakked
- Talked nonstop
- Nattered
- Blathered
- Wasn't short
- Talked a blue streak
- Just kept yakking
- Kept talking, and talking ...
- Monopolized the conversation
- Was loquacious
- Didn't stop talking
- Used as fuel
- Kept going, as a sentence
- Monopolized a conversation
- Took too long
- Talked too much
- Wouldn't stop gabbing
- Chattered
- Continued unchecked
- Didn't come to the point
- Talked and talked and . . .
- Wouldn't stop
- Kept talking
- Gabbed away
- Was a motor-mouth
- Talked long
- Rattled
- Yammered
- Spoke nonstop
- Talked continuously.
- Continued.
- Spoke interminably.
- Spoke at length
- Talked at length
- Went too long
- Kept going
- Talked heedlessly
- Babbled incessantly
- Chattered incessantly
- Continued tiresomely
- Continued sans interruption
- Continued without interruption
- Prattled
- Jabbered
- Blabbered
- Yakety-yakked
- Gabbed, gabbed, gabbed
- Kept going and going and...
- Never seemed to end
- Became wearisome
- Yakked, yakked, yakked …
- Filibustered, say
- Blathered away
- Went long, as a sentence
- Went too long, as a sentence
- Talked ad nauseam
- Was fueled by
- Kept talking and talking and talking....
- Talked a lot
- Was too long, as a sentence
- Jawed and jawed
- Used as a campaign plank, say
- Yakked and yakked and yakked
- Wouldn't stop yakking
- Didn't stop at the finish line?
- Overextended the sentence
- Babbled interminably
- Spoke at greath length
- Talked for hours
- Continued uninterruptedly
- Rambled aimlessly
- Rambled, perhaps
- Went overlong
- Filibustered
- Was a chatterbox
- Would. Not. Shut. Up.
- Prattled incessantly