- Enlisted personnel
- Social standings
- Military formations
- Puts in order
- Relative positions
- Hierarchy levels
- Hierarchical positions
- Colonel and captain
- Major and captain
- Military designations
- Positions in a hierarchy
- Seedings
- Military standings, e.g.
- Puts on a scale
- Classifies from high to low
- Levels of authority
- Captain, general, etc.
- Colonel, corporal, etc.
- Formations^RANK
- Is in charge
- Military levels
- Captain, colonel, etc.
- Assigns relative value to
- General and private
- Orders
- Close __
- Standings
- Lines on a chessboard
- Sorts
- Corporal and captain
- They may be broken in the army
- Military positions
- Puts in quality order
- Major and private, e.g.
- Rows or lines.
- Takes precedence of.
- An army.
- Enlisted men.
- Ensign, Major, Admiral, etc.
- Takes precedent over.
- Takes precedence over.
- Soldiers, generally.
- Social strata.
- Formations.
- Body of enlisted men.
- Companions of files
- Distinctions
- Lines of hoplites
- Classes
- Rows
- Grades
- Chessboards' horizontal rows
- Gives a rating
- They may be closed
- Officers' command
- Puts first or second, say
- They may be broken in the military
- Major and captain, e.g.
- Admiral and others
- They're often closed in an emergency
- See 9-Across
- Captain and others
- Counterparts of files
- Gives an order
- Places in order of preference
- Captain and lieutenant
- Gives an order to?
- Major and more
- Puts in order of preference
- Admirals, captains, generals and such
- Puts in numerical order
- Major and colonel
- Echelons
- File crossers, on a chessboard
- Places in size order, say
- Chessboard's eight
- Chessboard octet
- Puts first, say
- Chessboard rows
- Base levels
- What stars and stripes may indicate
- Enlisted group
- Corporal, captain and colonel
- Prioritizes