- Eight-year-old Quimby of kid lit
- Quimby of kiddie lit
- Beverly Cleary heroine
- Cleary's Quimby
- Helen Hunt Jackson novel
- Title kid-lit girl whose name anagrams to a major ancient Egyptian deity
- Beverly Cleary character
- 1936 Young-Ameche film
- Beverly Cleary title character
- Beverly Cleary heroine of children's fiction
- Beverly Cleary character ___ Quimby
- Helen Jackson heroine
- 1936 Loretta Young title role
- Beverly Cleary girl
- Quimby in Beverly Cleary books
- Beezus' little sister, in Cleary books
- Quimby girl of kid-lit
- Loretta Young film of '36
- Quimby of kid-lit
- Beezus and ___ (Beverly Cleary book)
- Old-time hit song.
- 1884 Helen Hunt Jackson novel
- Novel by Helen Hunt Jackson, 1885.
- Best seller of 1885.
- Alessandro's beloved.
- Helen Hunt Jackson's popular heroine.
- Indian girl of novel, movie, song.
- 1884 novel.
- Indian maid of fiction.
- Novel by Helen Hunt Jackson, 1884.
- Novel of 1884.
- Book by Helen Hunt Jackson.
- Novel, movie, song.
- Novel of 1885.
- Heroine of 1884 novel.
- Heroine of 1885 novel.
- Novel of Spanish-Indian life, 1885.
- Heroine of 1884.
- Jackson novel, 1884.
- 1884 heroine.
- Indian heroine.
- Helen Hunt Jackson heroine.
- 1885 novel
- Girl of song
- Best seller in 1884
- H. H. Jackson heroine: 1884
- Waterfall girl of song
- H. H. Jackson novel
- Pickford, Del Rio or Young
- Best seller in 1885
- Jackson's 1885 best seller
- H. H. Jackson heroine
- A 1927 hit song
- Heroine of an old novel or song
- Del Rio film: 1928
- Spanish girl of songdom
- A 1927 song hit
- Novel by Helen Hunt Jackson
- 1884 Helen Hunt Jackson romance
- Helen Hunt Jackson romance, 1884
- Title heroine of many Beverly Cleary books
- ___ Quimby (Beverly Cleary heroine)
- ___ Quimby of children's books
- ___ Quimby, girl of children's lit
- ___ Quimby of children's lit
- Beezus's sister, in children's literature
- Title heroine of an 1884 Helen Hunt Jackson novel
- Quimby of children's books
- Title heroine of classic 60-Across books
- ___ Quimby of children's literature
- Beverly Cleary's 'pest'
- 'Pest' in Beverly Cleary titles
- Pest of kiddie lit
- Kid-lit 'pest'
- 'Pest' of kid lit
- Beezus's little sister, in kid-lit
- Beverly Cleary "pest"
- ___ Flowers (role for Mary Elizabeth Winstead in "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World")
- Title kid in a Beverly Cleary series
- Titular girl in a Helen Hunt Jackson novel
- H. H. Jackson's bestseller
- Non-Oscar-worthy film of 1936
- Young/Ameche film
- Sister of Beezus
- Sister of Beezus in Beverly Cleary books
- Title character in a Beverly Cleary book series
- Young heroine of Beverly Cleary's novels