- Britain flyers
- WWII group
- Churchill's "so few"
- Churchill's "so few": Abbr.
- Royal Air Force; abbr
- UK defenders
- UK mil. branch
- Allied WWII fliers, for short
- Flying fleet of the U.K.
- Their motto is "Through Adversity to the Stars": Abbr.
- Prince William's mil. branch
- Fliers with the Ministry of Defence: Abbr.
- UK fighters in the sky
- Blitz opponent (abbr.)
- Brit. fliers
- Brit. mil. heroes
- British WWII heroes
- British flying squad: Abbr.
- Dresden bombing force: Abbr.
- Its motto is "Per Ardua ad Astra"
- Mil. branch whose slogan was "Per Ardua ad Astra"
- Mil. in Afghanistan
- W.W. II fliers
- WWII flying group
- WWII inits.
- UK flyers
- Berlin Airlift grp.
- WWII heroes: Abbr.
- Battle of Britain force, briefly
- British flying grp.
- Brit fliers in WWII
- U.K. fliers
- Luftwaffe foe
- Battle of Britain grp.
- Luftwaffe foe (abbr.)
- British mil. group
- Brit. bombers
- Brit. flyboys
- Defence gp.
- Org. with squadrons of Spitfires
- A Yank in the ___ (1941 war film)
- U.K. military branch
- Major mil. player in the war on ISIS
- Org. with a famous Bomber Command
- Its memorial monument lies near Cleopatra's Needle: Abbr.
- Luftwaffe opponent
- British flying gp.
- Luftwaffe foe, for short
- Brit. mil. branch
- U.K. military fliers
- British bombers' gp.
- Luftwaffe battlers (abbr.)
- British mil. branch
- Their Finest Hour fighters (abbr.)
- British WWII fliers
- WWII fighter pilots' gp.
- A Yank in the ___ (1941 movie)
- Battle of Britain gp.
- Luftwaffe opponent (abbr.)
- Brit. mil. org.
- Flying Brits, initially
- UK defense gp.
- WWII flying heroes
- British bombers of WWII
- Battle of Britain group, briefly
- Brit. flying group
- Churchill's "few"
- Some WWII fliers
- Battle of Britain org.
- UK flyboys
- WWII Luftwaffe foe
- Brit. bombers of WWII
- Churchill's "so few," for short
- Large group of NATO fighters
- UK military pilots
- WWII British fliers
- Mil. org. formed 4/1/18
- Code Name Verity fliers: Abbr.
- WWII heroes
- The Few of WWII
- Winnie's "Few"
- Brit. heroes
- Spitfire fliers, for short
- Spitfire flying gp.
- Luftwaffe foe, briefly
- Org. Roald Dahl joined in 1939
- Spitfire fliers, briefly
- WWII fleet
- Spitfire fliers: Abbr.
- UK defense arm
- Prince Charles served in it: Abbr.
- A Yank in the __: 1941 war film
- Battle of Britain defense gp.
- WWII Brit. fliers
- Battle of Britain fliers: Abbr.
- Luftwaffe foes of WWII
- U.K. flying squad
- Brit. pilots' squad
- Where Prince William served: Abbr.
- Brits' air arm
- Flying Brits
- WWII Brit. flyers
- Brit. blitzbusters
- Brit. corps
- Brit. flyers
- British fliers: Abbr.
- Spitfire fliers
- Grp. that trains at Cranwell
- WWII UK group
- Battle of Britain heroes
- George V approved its flag
- Ministry of Defence div.
- WWII flyers
- UK defense group
- Churchill's flyers
- Fliers praised by Churchill
- Ministry of Defence arm
- Oldest military fliers
- Gulf War contingent
- Military service HQ'd at Whitehall
- Defence Ministry concern
- Major provider of NATO planes
- Its Museum has a Battle of Britain Hall
- UK defence arm
- UK flying group
- UK military pilots' org.
- UK's Gulf War contingent
- Battle of Britain VIPs
- Ministry of Defence supporter
- WWII Dambusters' employer
- UK military flying group
- UK's military fliers
- UN peacekeeping participant
- British fliers of WWII
- WWII British flyers
- Org. whose motto is "Per Ardua ad Astra"
- Historic fliers.
- Org. concerned with national defence
- Wing commander's org.
- Flight lieutenant's org.
- The Few of the U.K.
- Org. with group captains and pilot officers
- Destroyer of robot bombs.
- So few.
- Deciding factor in Battle for Britain.
- British air corps.
- England's best defense.
- Vital factor in World War II.
- Britain's heroes.
- British defense group.
- Britain's defenders.
- Britain's fliers.
- Flying Englishmen.
- Men of Spitfire fame.
- Britain's air power.
- Famous fliers.
- Field Marshal Alexander's men.
- Part of Field Marshal Alexander's cohorts.
- Part of Great Britain's defense.
- The wings of Britain.
- Britain's flyers.
- Britain's pride.
- England's pride.
- Britain's air arm.
- Canberra pilots.
- Heroes of 1940.
- British military group.
- They held off the Luftwaffe.
- U. K. airmen.
- Britain's aces.
- Britain's air strength: Abbr.
- English military unit: Abbr.
- Fliers of W. W. II.
- English air arm.
- Historic flying group.
- Luftwaffe's opposition.
- Monogram of intrepid fliers.
- Air group.
- British heroes.
- Historic air group.
- British service group.
- England's airmen.
- Fliers' group.
- A NATO arm.
- Historic initials of World War II.
- Historic initials of 1940.
- British service unit.
- H. M.'s pilots.
- Historic initials in London.
- British service.
- British flyers.
- The "so few" of a famous tribute.
- The Queen's pilots.
- Br. fliers
- Eng1ish aviators
- Her Majesty's fliers
- So few of fame
- Brit. aces
- Queen's pilots
- Actor Vallone
- British eagles: Abbr.
- British fliers
- Brit. defenders
- Brit. protectors in W.W. II
- Fliers of 1941
- British defense arm
- Goering's nightmare
- Brit. heroes of W. W. II
- British heroes of W.W. II
- British mil. unit
- British W. W. II group
- Brit. aces of the 1940's
- Brit. air arm
- Heroes of Battle of Britain
- English flyers
- Famed fliers
- The "few" in a Churchill speech
- Battle of Brit. heroes
- London's defenders
- Brit. answer to the Luftwaffe
- Few who did much for many
- Brit. air aim
- U.K. air arm
- Eur. flyboys
- Some of the queen's men
- So few, to W.S.C.
- Tedder's W.W. II org.
- Luftwaffe's foe
- W.W. II grp.
- British pilots' grp.
- Brit. W.W. II fliers
- 1941 film "A Yank in the ___"
- Brit. W.W. II heroes
- Foe of the Luftwaffe: Abbr.
- W.W. II fliers: Abbr.
- Eng. defender
- The "so few" of 1940: Abbr.
- W.W. II Mosquito pilots
- A Yank in the ___ (1941 film)
- Berlin bombers of W.W. II
- Org. with a college in Cranwell, England
- W.W. II bombers
- The pilots of Penzance: Abbr.
- W.W. II fighters
- Heroic W.W. II grp.
- Org. with the motto "Per Ardua ad Astra"
- Flying grp. since 1918
- Part of Britain's mil.
- Per ardua ad astra org.
- Org. involved in the gulf war
- Spitfire-flying grp.
- Org. whose emblem features an eagle and a crown
- Mil. branch of the U.K.
- Org. with a targetlike mark on its flag
- Battle of Britain victor, for short
- U.K. military arm
- Spitfire org.
- Grp. conducting raids in W.W. II
- W.W. II "Dambusters," for short
- Org. in the gulf war's Operation Granby
- Heroes of the Battle of Britain, for short
- Org. in 2017's "Dunkirk"
- U.K. flying grp.
- Org. for W.W. II Hurricane pilots
- W.W. II Dambusters grp.
- Subj. of Churchill's "Never ... was so much owed by so many to so few"
- 'A Yank in the -- ('41 film)'
- British mil. fliers
- U.K. flying corps
- U.K. mil. fliers
- WWII notables
- They once employed T.E. Lawrence as a mechanic
- They were feared by U-boat crews
- Vallone in "Bitter Rice"
- A Yank in the ___ (1941 film about an American war pilot)
- HRM's fliers
- A Yank in the ___ (1941)
- U.K. air branch
- Battle of Britain fighter (Abbr.)
- U.K.'s air arm
- WWII U.K. defenders
- Churchill's pride of WWII
- Battle of Britain flying gp.
- British military org.
- Flying WWII notables
- U.K. fighter pilots' gp.
- British mil. flyers
- The "so few" Churchill referred to
- Brit's military air arm
- Churchill's "so few," briefly
- The Few of the U.K. military
- British military air grp.
- Battle of Britain air gp.
- Brit. defenders up high
- Luftwaffe attacker
- Part of the British military
- Military org. that Prince William served in
- U.K. flying aces' org.
- U.K. military branch with jets
- U.K. military flyers
- British military org. since 1918
- British WWII flyers
- Brit. armed service
- Valone of filmdom
- British pilots: abbr.
- A Yank in the ____ : '41 film
- Luftwaffe foes briefly
- WWII pilots
- Britain's fliers of WWII
- British mil. arm
- British defenders in WWII
- Spitfire letters
- Battle of Britain participant
- Brit's air force
- British bomber grp.
- U.K. defense org.
- Battle of Britain fliers, briefly
- WWII UK flying group
- Churchill's military "few"
- British flyers, briefly
- Luftwaffe foes: Abbr.
- Spitfire fliers of WWII
- WWII aviators
- The "so few" of WWII
- Org. in which Roald Dahl served
- Grp. mobilised in WWII
- Luftwaffe battler
- Luftwaffe opposer
- Org. that battled the Luftwaffe
- The "so few" in a 1940 speech
- Pilot officer's org.
- Luftwaffe fighters in WWII
- Luftwaffe's U.K. foes
- Squadron leader's org.
- Battle of Britain victors
- Air chief marshal's org.
- Luftwaffe battlers in WWII
- The "so few" in a WWII speech