- LA hrs.
- LA setting
- TV Guide acronym
- Winter in LA
- OR time
- Within the law
- Hollywood hrs.
- Disneyland hrs.
- February hours in Fresno
- West coast hrs.
- California hrs.
- West Coast setting (abbr.)
- Portlandia setting: Abbr.
- Calif. time zone
- Calif. zone
- Clock setting at Sea-Tac
- Hrs. in the West
- L.A. time
- LAX setting
- San Diego setting: Abbr.
- Sea-Tac setting
- Setting for many Seahawks home games: Abbr.
- Stockton hrs.
- Portlandia clock setting: Abbr.
- UCLA setting
- Attention-getting sound
- Time in LA and SF
- Spokane hrs.
- Salem's setting: Abbr.
- What most Clippers home games are played on, briefly
- Winter hrs. in Seattle
- Attention-getter
- L.A. clock setting
- L.A. hours
- Calif. hours
- B.C. clock setting (abbr.)
- Vancouver clock setting (abbr.)
- Hrs. in Seattle
- BC's time zone (abbr.)
- L.A. winter hrs.
- W. Coast clock setting
- Tacoma clock setting: Abbr.
- I've got a secret for ya!
- You there!
- Yo... listen to me!
- You over there!
- Hours in L.A.
- Hey, you!
- Setting W of the Rockies
- Oregon's time zone (abbr.)
- Winter Wash. hours
- Clock setting at LAX
- Nev. clock setting
- West Coast zone (inits.)
- La Jolla winter hrs.
- Walla Walla winter hrs.
- Wash. hours
- Calif. setting
- Hollywood setting, for short
- Ore. clock setting
- Ore. hours
- Seattle setting (abbr.)
- Walla Walla's winter hrs.
- Washington hrs.
- Winter clock setting at LAX
- Athletic setting?: Abbr.
- Zone for the Lakers: Abbr.
- Whispered word
- Clock setting in LA
- B.C. clock setting
- Ore. setting
- S.F. clock setting
- Seattle clock setting: Abbr.
- Calif. clock setting
- S.F. setting
- Salem hrs.
- Cal. clock setting
- S.F. hours
- Seattle hrs.
- Wash. setting
- Only two U.S. states, Wash. and Cal., are entirely within this zone
- Sunnyvale setting: Abbr.
- Setting for L.A. Lakers' home games?
- Idaho Panhandle hrs.
- Eureka hrs.
- LAX hrs.
- SFO setting
- Pasadena winter hrs.
- SFO hrs.
- Yukon winter hrs.
- L.A. winter hours
- Vancouver setting: Abbr.
- Feb. setting in Spokane
- Winter hrs. in Berkeley
- Salem winter hrs.
- Wash. winter hours
- Rose Parade setting?
- Calif. Christmas hrs.
- San Fran time
- Oreg. clock setting
- Spokane clock setting: Abbr.
- W. coast setting
- Winter hrs. in Walla Walla
- Seattle hours: Abbr.
- Mt. St. Helens setting
- Yukon Territory hrs.
- Winter hrs. in L.A.
- CA winter clock setting
- What Wash. will be on in Dec.
- L.A. winter clock setting
- California winter clock setting: Abbr.
- It's currently three hours behind DC
- Spokane winter setting: Abbr.
- Vancouver Isl. setting
- Winter L.A. clock setting
- Winter clock setting in L.A.
- Winter hrs. in Oregon
- Some hrs. in Hollywood
- California winter hrs.
- Rose Bowl setting: Abbr.
- Tacoma hrs. in winter
- W. Coast winter hours
- December setting at USC
- Winter Sea-Tac setting
- L.A. wintertime setting
- Oregon hrs.
- OR setting
- Yukon Terr. setting
- Silence!
- Sibilant signal.
- Signal for silence.
- Keep quiet!
- Listen!
- Time west of Rockies: Abbr.
- Shush!
- Signal seeking silence.
- Look here!
- Hush!
- Time on the Coast: Abbr.
- Quiet!
- Time in Seattle.
- Timetable abbreviation.
- U. S. time designation.
- Confidential sound.
- Sound to gain attention.
- Time abbreviation.
- Western time: Abbr.
- Sibilant sound.
- Time belt: Abbr.
- Time zone.
- Sound to catch attention.
- Calif. time
- L.A. time zone
- Time zone in L. A.
- San Diego time: Abbr.
- Cal. time
- S. F. time
- Hey there!
- Sound seeking silence
- About 3,000 miles from EST
- Sibilant warning
- West Coast clock reading
- Attention-seeking sound
- Kin of "Hey, there!"
- D.C. thoroughfare
- Time in L.A.
- Jan. hrs. in Oakland
- Calif. winter time
- Sound asking for silence
- Hey, softly
- Std. time in Tacoma
- Hey!
- L.A. clock setting: Abbr.
- L.A. sked abbr.
- What most L.A. Lakers games are played on
- Calif. and Wash. are on it
- Winter clock setting in S.F.
- S.F. winter hrs.
- It's observed in L.A.
- Ore. is on it
- Western setting: Abbr.
- Deadlines on eBay are given in it: Abbr.
- West Coast winter hrs.
- It's periodically observed in Hollywood: Abbr.
- It's eight hours off from 49-Down: Abbr.
- Winter clock setting in Nev.
- Reno setting: Abbr.
- Vancouver is on it: Abbr.
- Sea-Tac setting: Abbr.
- The Oscars are awarded on it: Abbr.
- B.C. setting
- Hrs. for eBay listings
- Rose Bowl setting, for short
- S.F. winter clock setting
- S.F. winter setting
- Wash. setting, in the winter
- Ore. setting for part of the year
- Winter setting in Tinseltown
- It's observed at LAX during part of the year
- SFO setting: Abbr.
- Setting for most Laker home games: Abbr.
- Winter clock setting in Calif.
- San Diego winter hrs.
- Hollywood zone, for short?
- Winter hours in L.A.
- Clock setting for Super Bowl LVI
- Setting for most Warriors home games: Abbr.
- Winter hrs. at U.C.S.F.
- Christmas time in L.A.
- Western time
- Time zone letters
- LAX winter hrs.
- S.F. winter hours
- B.C. winter hours
- Winter hrs. in Fresno
- Winter hrs. in California
- Winter hrs. in Tijuana
- Cal. listing
- Ahem!
- LA wintertime
- CA time
- WA and OR time
- Winter time in LA
- EST, CST, MST, ___
- Eighth time zone west of Greenwich
- Seattle setting, briefly
- Oregon winter clock setting
- CA's winter clock setting
- PDX time zone
- S.F. time zone
- Tacoma time zone
- West Coast clock setting
- West Coast time zone, for short
- Seattle hrs. in Dec.
- Tacoma's zone: Abbr.
- One of the L.A. times
- LAX boarding pass letters
- W. Coast hours
- Anaheim hrs.
- LAX schedule abbr.
- Time zone four hrs. behind 86-Across
- Winter hrs. in Washington state
- Winter hrs. in WA