- Browning and Blake
- Frost and Angelou
- Frost and Burns
- Sexton and Plath, e.g.
- Thomas and Hardy
- Rhymesters
- Maya Angelou and Rita Dove, for two
- Some open mic performers
- 40-Down and others
- Rhyming dictionary users
- Participants in some slams
- 97 Across's ilk
- Masters of meters
- Lyricists, basically
- Foot specialists?
- Versifiers
- Pound's ilk
- Bards
- Browning, Gray, and others
- Often-anthologized group
- Rhymers
- Rhyming writers
- They "utter great and wise things which they do not themselves understand", per Plato
- Those who go astray follow them, per the Koran
- They work with feet
- Dead ___ Society
- Pound and others
- Keats and Yeats, for two
- Pound and Poe
- Sonneteers, say
- Erato is their Muse
- Yeats and Keats
- Keats and Yeats
- Poe and more
- Sandburg and Silverstein
- Limerick authors, say
- Browning and Burns
- Couplet composers
- Burns and Byron
- Both Brownings
- Whitman and Whittier
- Some national laureates
- Longfellow and Burns
- Ode people
- Eliot and Angelou
- Johnson and Jonson
- Well-versed ones?
- Many songwriters, perforce
- Browning and Frost
- This puzzle's theme
- Artists in a Robin Williams film title
- Meter experts?
- Audre Lorde and Lord Byron, e.g.
- Frost and others
- Ode writers
- Browning and more
- Millay and Milton
- Poe and Pope
- Kilmer and Keats
- Masters of allusion
- Dickinson and Keats
- Meter creators
- The Brownings, e.g.
- Ruth Lilly Prize winners
- Donne and Bradstreet
- Frost and Sandburg
- Sandburg and Spenser
- Some Pulitzer winners
- Pulitzer candidates
- Verse writers
- Byron and Burns
- Rhyme writers
- Byron and Keats
- Keats and colleagues
- Ode authors
- Shelley's "unacknowledged legislators of the world"
- Performers at some readings
- Greeting card writers
- Sonneteers, for instance
- Byron and Browning
- Keats and Shelley
- Milton and Millay
- Odists and sonneteers
- Wordsworth and Whitman
- 84 Across and colleagues
- Literary figures
- People writing verses
- Writers of verse
- Browning and Byron
- Authors of verses
- Whittier College's team nickname
- Spenser, Prince of ___.
- ___ Corner, Westminster Abbey.
- Tennyson, Shelley, Keats, etc.
- ___ Corner of Westminster Abbey.
- Clement Moore and Thomas Moore.
- Viereck, Lowell, and others.
- Mistral, Eliot, and others.
- Viereck, Brooks, Moore.
- Carl Sandburg, Marianne Moore, etc.
- Mistral and Eliot.
- Occupants of a "Corner" in Westminster Abbey.
- Troubadours.
- Robert and Elizabeth Browning.
- Climbers of Parnassus.
- Laureates.
- Men of letters.
- Milton and Arnold.
- Parnassians.
- Lowel and others.
- Mr. and Mrs. Browning.
- Robert Green and John Greenleaf Whittier.
- Very important persons in the arts.
- Relatives of Mother Goose.
- The Brownings.
- Certain White House guests.
- Certain literati.
- Members of P.E.N.
- Writers.
- Browning and Keats.
- Burns and others.
- Jarrell and Jeffers.
- Dickinson and Whittier
- Frost et al.
- Ginsberg and others
- Nash and Dickinson
- Ones inspired by Helicon
- Keats et al.
- Men of words
- Pound et al.
- Certain writers
- Auden and Frost
- Horace et al.
- Elegists
- Frost and Pound
- Keats and Wordsworth
- Bishop and Sexton
- Burns and Allen Ginsberg
- They don't pay for their license
- Vers-librists
- Auden and Lowell
- Blake and Wordsworth
- Arnold and Milton
- Jarrell and Ciardi
- Wilbur and Stevens
- Wilbur and Merrill
- Ashbery and Nemerov
- Brooke and Field
- Barrett and Browning
- Shelley and Keats
- Wilbur and Kunitz
- Dead ___ Society, 1989 film
- Lovelace's colleagues
- Auden and Angelou
- Masters and Jonson, e.g.
- Homer and others
- Burns and Allen, e.g.
- Masters and Jonson
- People concerned with feet
- The only poor fellows in the world whom anyone will flatter: Pope
- ___ Corner, part of Westminster Abbey
- They're "born, not made," according to an old saying
- Certain people buried in Westminster Abbey
- Meter makers
- Meter readers?
- People who deal with stress successfully?
- Keats and Horace, for two
- 5-Down and others
- Some laureates
- Ones with muses
- ___ Corner (Westminster Abbey locale)
- Coffeehouse entertainers
- See 35-Down
- People thinking on their feet?
- Meter masters
- Ones concerned with stress
- ___ Corner, section of Westminster Abbey
- Fitting nickname for athletes at Whittier College
- Sappho and Mirabai
- Rappers, in a sense
- They form lines for their work
- They work in meters
- Elizabeth Acevedo and David Dabydeen, for two
- Sonnet writers, say
- '01 Savatage album "___ and Madmen"
- Millay and Moore
- Neruda and Angelou, e.g.
- Ada Limón and Emily Dickinson, for two
- Bishop and Pope, e.g.
- Dead _____ Society
- Well-versed folks?
- Frost and Masefield, for example
- Lovelace and Frost
- Frost and Burns, for two
- They're "born, not made"
- They're well-versed
- Poe and Pound, e.g.
- Erato's group
- Producers of 35-Across
- Larkin and Plath, e.g.
- Masterful rhymers
- Well-versed people?
- Authors of verse
- Some write limericks
- They work with feet and meters
- Maya Angelou and Mary Oliver, e.g.
- Some write haiku
- 63-Across and others
- Angelou and Plath
- Odists
- Angelou and Cummings, e.g.
- Writers of sonnets
- Lovelace and Frost, for two
- Masters of rhyme
- 14-Across creators
- Limerick writers, e.g.
- Open-mic readers
- Reciters at slams
- Writers of haiku
- Sina Queyras and Mary Lambert, for two
- Writers at slams
- Angelou, Brooks and Clifton
- Claudia Rankine and Terrance Hayes, e.g.
- Writers like Joy Harjo, Tracy K. Smith, etc.
- The Tortured ___ Department
- Writers at Cave Canem workshops
- Dead -- Society
- Homer, et al.
- Foot men?
- 74- and 90Across, e.g.
- Competitors in a slam
- Dealers in feet and meters
- Slam participants
- Some cafe performers
- They're concerned with feet and meters
- Slam competitors
- Amanda Gorman and others